Open Access

Table 1

Security access control function test

Test content Test method Times Results
Integrity verification for terminal failed Modify or delete key system files such as authorized driver files and kernel files 40 Platform integrity authentication failed, user access failed
The connection is not safe because the user is not in the time domain Abnormal users attempt to access the Energy Internet system many times outside the specified time 40 The trust degree, access security level and authority range of the system to users are reduced, and the system enters the alert state
Abnormal terminal execution environment such as characteristic attributes Load the malicious code file, and the terminal protection software will check and record 40 The system has been successfully detected, the access security level has been reduced, and the scope of authority has been reduced
User attempted dictionary attack Users use known user names to constantly try passwords and brute force cracking 40 When a malicious user brutally cracks the same account, the account and its connected terminal will be frozen

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