Open Access
Table 1
Ranking of indicators
Names of index | Label | Index weight | Names of index | Label | Index weight |
Debt-to-long capital ratio | X1 | 60.68 | Return on equity | X11 | 13.98 |
Non-currentliabilities/total liabilities | X2 | 26.50 | Return on equity weighted | X12 | 13.75 |
Net cash from operating activities/current liability | X3 | 23.36 | Retained earnings per share | X13 | 13.47 |
Net profit cash cover | X4 | 20.39 | Current assets turnover ratio | X14 | 13.14 |
Equity multiplier | X5 | 19.00 | Shareholder free cash flow per share | X15 | 12.44 |
Return on assets | X6 | 16.24 | Non-financing net cash flow/total liabilities | X16 | 11.61 |
Annualized return on assets | X7 | 16.16 | Cash to meet invest needs | X17 | 11.26 |
Interest cover | X8 | 16.10 | EBITDA/gross revenue | X18 | 10.70 |
Corporate free cash flow per share | X9 | 15.12 | Net asset value per share | X19 | 9.89 |
Annualized return on total assets | X10 | 14.95 | Return on total assets | X20 | 8.83 |
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