Open Access

Table 2

Factor loadings and commonality of indicators

Names of index Factor loading Communalities Names of index Factor loading Communalities
X3 0.860 0.841 X20 0.984 0.970
X4 0.967 0.968 X1 0.167 0.030
X6 0.953 0.909 X2 0.492 0.358
X7 0.979 0.959 X5 0.114 0.033
X8 -0.732 0.539 X10 0.499 0.262
X9 0.931 0.879 X11 0.543 0.354
X12 0.793 0.629 X13 0.664 0.580
X15 0.737 0.546 X14 0.495 0.406
X16 -0.789 0.626 X18 0.455 0.318
X17 0.961 0.966 X19 0.637 0.546

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