Open Access

Table 6

Factor loading coefficient

Factor Measurement Standard error Critical ratio p-value Standard load coefficient
Profitbility X6 0.905
Profitbility X7 0.008 127.604 0.000 0.978
Profitbility X20 0.008 134.536 0.000 0.994
Cash flow X4 0.957
Cash flow X17 0.012 85.707 0.000 0.982
Solvency X3 1
Solvency X9 0.023 29.801 0.000 0.698
Operation level X12 0.254
Operation level X16 4.447 -0.882 0.378 -0.996
Development ability X8 0.520
Development ability X15 0.818 -0.356 0.722 -0.151

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