Open Access

Table 9

Summary table of model regression coefficients

XY Standard error Critical ratio p-value Standard load coefficient
Profitability → Credit risk 0.016 17.035 0.000 0.390
Cash flow → Credit risk 0.017 2.364 0.018 0.061
Solvency → Credit risk 0.017 3.624 0.000 0.094
Profitability → X7 0.008 127.620 0.000 0.978
Profitability → X6 0.905
Profitability → X20 0.008 134.540 0.000 0.994
Cash flow → X4 0.952
Cash flow → X17 0.012 85.397 0.000 0.987
Solvency → X9 0.023 29.933 0.000 0.697
Solvency → X3 1
Credit risk → X 0.642

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