Open Access

Table 1

Notations used in Hu et al 's scheme

Notation Definition
Ui, GWN, Sj The i-th user, gateway and the j-th sensor node
IDi Identity of the i-th user
PIDi Pseudonymous identity of the i-th user
IDGWN Identity of gateway
SIDj Identity of the j-th sensor node
PWi Password of the i-th user
SC Smart card
KGU, KGS Private keys only known to GWN
TCi The temporal credential of the i-th user
TCj The temporal credential of the j-th sensor node
TEi Expiration time of a Ui’s temporal credential
P Basic point of the elliptic curve
N1, N2, N3, x, x1, x2, x3 Random numbers
SK, SKij (= SKji) The session key between Ui and Sj
Bitwise XOR operation
|| Concatenation operation
h(·) A secure Hash function

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