Issue |
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 29, Number 3, June 2024
Page(s) | 239 - 241 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 July 2024 |
CLC number: O157.5
Packing 4-Partite Tree into Complete 4-Partite Graph
Department of Mathematics, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, Jiangsu, China
For graphs G and H, an embedding of G into H is an injection such that whenever . A packing of p graphs into is a p-tuple such that, for , is an embedding of into H and the p sets are mutually disjoint. Motivated by the "Tree Packing Conjecture" made by Gyrfs and Lehel, Wang Hong conjectured that for each k-partite tree, there is a packing of two copies of into a complete k-partite graph , where . In this paper, we confirm this conjecture for .
Key words: packing of graph / tree packing conjecture / embedding of graph
Cite this article: PENG Yanling. Packing 4-Partite Tree into Complete 4-Partite Graph[J]. Wuhan Univ J of Nat Sci, 2024, 29(3): 239-241.
Biography: PENG Yanling, female, Professor, research direction: Graph Theory. E-mail:
Fundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (12071334)
© Wuhan University 2024
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0 Introduction
We shall use standard graph theory notation. For any graph G, a neighbor of a vertex is a vertex adjacent to in G. denotes the set of neighbors of a vertex in G. The degree of , denoted by , is . Given a subset A of , is for the vertex . When the context is clear, the subscript G is omitted.
An endvertex is a vertex of degree 1 and non-endvertex is a vertex of degree 1. A node is a vertex adjacent to an endvertex. A supernode is a node x of G such that, with one exception, every neighbor of x is an endvertex. A star is a treewith only one non-endvertex.
An embedding of a graph G into H is an injection such that whenever . A packing of p graphs into is a p-tuple such that, for , is an embedding of into H and the p sets are mutually disjoint. When all are isomorphic to G, we call it a p-parking of G.
A k-partite graph G with the partition is denoted as or . In this case, it is said that G admits the partition and . If G admits two distinct partitions and , then the notion that is adopted here. If G and H admit the k-partitions and , respectively, and is an embedding of G into H such that , then is restrained and this is denoted as . A packing of into is restrained if each embedding of is restrained. A k-partite tree is a k-partite graph without cycles. Let denote the k-partite tree with as its k-partition and denote the complete k-partite graph of order n with as its k-partition.
Packing problems are central to combinatorics. Many exciting results and elegant proofs of these results were obtained [1-4]. For a survey, see Refs. [5,6]. Among the best-known packing problems, the famous Tree Packing Conjecture of Gyárfás and Lehel [7] has driven a large amount of research in the area. Bollobás [8] confirmed the "Tree Packing Conjecture" for many small trees. Motivated by the "Tree Packing Conjecture", Wang Hong made the following conjecture:
Conjecture[9] For each k-partite tree of order n, there is a restrained packing of two copies of into a complete k-partite graph , where .
This conjecture has been verified in Ref. [10] for . Recently, Sapozhnikov[11] proved this conjecture with , which is stated as the following proposition:
Proposition 1[11] Let be a 3-partite tree of order n with partites . Then there exists a restrained 2-packing of into a complete3-partite graph .
In this paper, we prove that the conjecture is true for .
1 Main Results
In the following lemmas, we assume that is a counter-example of Theorem 1 of minimum order n.
Lemma 1[9] The endvertices of are adjacent to the same node if they are in the same partite.
Lemma 2[9] If is a node of adjacent to endvertices in a partite , then is odd and
Theorem 1 For each 4-partite tree of order n with partition , there is a restrained 2-packing of into some complete 4-partite graph .
Proof We assume that is a counter-example of Theorem 1 of minimum order n with partition . Then , since Theorem 1 holds if for some i clearly.
If has exactly one node then is a star. So, for some i, . By Lemma 2, we have a contradiction. Therefore, there are at least two nodes in . By observing a longest path of , there exist at least two supernodes in .
Let be a supernode of and be the only one non-endvertex adjacent to . Without loss of generality, we may assume that . Let Then there is at least one of , which is non-empty. Without loss of generality, we may assume that . By Lemma 1, we can see that all the endvertices of are in the set . Let . Then, and by Lemma 2. So we may assume that and .
Consider the graph where with . So is a 3-partite tree with order where . By Proposition 1, there exists a restrained 2-packing of into a complete3-partite graph with .
Suppose that there is such that . Since be the only one non-endvertex adjacent to , without loss of generality, we may assume and . Now add two vertices to and a partite set to such that . Let Then the packing can be extended to as follows: define for . Define as follows:
for , for .
Thus, we extend the to so that a restrained 2-packing of into the is obtained, where , a contradiction.
Therefore, there exists only one nonempty , which implies that all the endvertices adjacent to are in and Without loss of generality, we may assume that and . Now add a vertex to and add a partite set to such that . Let . Then we extend the to as follows:
Define for and . Define as follows: for for . Thus, we extend to so that a restrained 2-packing of into the is obtained, where , a contradiction.
The proof is completed.
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