Open Access

Table 1

Numerical results for the tested problems

No. Functions/n k / N G / N F
OMFSL SSWLS DY[10] FR[3] Chen and Sun[4]
1 Sphere/100 2/2/2 7/20/25 2/2/2 2/2/2 2/2/2
2 Rastrigin/10 2/2/2 15/164/297 2/2/2 2/2/2 2/2/2
3 Froth/2 59/59/59 1 144/16 759/31 229 1 996/1 996/1 996 50/50/50 F/F/F
4 Pqd/5 41/41/41 67/209/283 14/14/14 13/13/13 13/13/13
5 Ewh/10 284/284/284 76/998/1847 F/F/F 406/406/406 F/F/F
6 Raydan1/2 8/8/8 29/30/30 8/8/8 8/8/8 8/8/8
7 Raydan2/100 7/7/7 5/9/7 8/8/8 8/8/8 8/8/8
8 Etri/10 124/124/124 F/F/F/F 61/61/61 71/71/71 67/67/67
9 Epow/4 127/27/27 159/1 765/3211 28/28/28 23/23/23 18/18/18
10 Wood/4 213/213/213 509/2 720/4 993 1 512/1 512/1 512 296/296/2 996 F/F/F
11 Ewood/4 268/268/268 F/F/F 1 033/1 033/1 033 248/248/248 F/F/F
12 Perq/3 21/21/21 21/67/87 27/27/27 18/18/18 23/23/23
13 Etri1/34 11/11/11 F/F/F 43/43/43 45/45/45 50/50/50
14 Emic/8 290/290/290 F/F/F F/F/F F/F/F F/F/F
15 Erosen/20 1 072/1 072/1 072 54/732/1357 403/403/403 1 121/1 121/1 121 62/62/62
16 Grosen/3 9/9/9 2 141/6 137/11 293 383/383/383 202/202/202 776/776/776
17 QUARTC/50 2/2/2 F/F/F 2/2/2 2/2/2 2/2/2
18 LIARWHD/10 57/57/57 F/F/F 78/78/78 59/5/59 72/72/72
19 Staircase1/4 14/14/14 34/143/217 23/23/23 14/14/14 14/14/14
20 Staircase2/4 14/14/14 29/123/187 23/23/23 14/14/14 13/13/13
21 POWER/20 44/44/44 F/F/F 102/102/102 117/117/117 53/53/53
22 Diagonal4/4 2/2/2 57/435/755 7/7/7 2/2/2 2/2/2
23 EBD1/2 14/14/14 18/82/127 F/F/F F/F/F 13/13/13
24 CUBE/2 F/F/F 196/2 529/4 665 F/F/F F/F/F F/F/F

Note:   F denotes that the method fails to convergence within 5 000 iterations or there exists numerical overflow

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