Issue |
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 29, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 495 - 498 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 January 2025 |
CLC number: O175
Shapes of Regular Curves Defined by Hyperbolic Functions
1 School of Science, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, Zhejiang, China
2 Shanghai Aerospace Equipments Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200240, China
This article discusses the shapes of a class of regular curves defined by hyperbolic functions. We first make a preliminary judgment using its torsion and then get more precise descriptions using its curvature and algebraic invariants. In addition, we study the shape of the generalization of the curve.
Key words: regular curves / torsion / curvature / algebraic invariants
关键字 : 正则曲线 / 挠率 / 曲率 / 代数不变量
Cite this article: ZHNAG Yanfang, JIN Chenxiang, FAN Changhong. Shapes of Regular Curves Defined by Hyperbolic Functions[J]. Wuhan Univ J of Nat Sci, 2024, 29(6): 495-498.
Biography: HANG Yanfang Z, female, Ph.D., Associate professor, research direction: geometry and related area.
Foundation item: Supported by the Curriculum Ideological and Political Teaching Research Project of Huzhou University (JGSZ202323)
© Wuhan University 2024
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0 Introduction
We begin with the definition of the regular curve. Throughout this paper, we use to denote the -dimensional Euclidean space with Euclidean metric . Let be an interval. A continuous vector function is called a regular curve if it is differentiable and for all , where is called its parameter. For example, given two linearly independent constant vectors , the curve with is regular. In particular, if , is called arc length parameter[1,2].
In differential geometry, one of the primary goals is to describe the regular curves using curvature and torsion. The well-known fundamental theorem of curves[2] claims that the curvature and the torsion are their totally geometric invariants, that is, if two curves share the same curvature and the torsion at every , then these two arcs are congruent. However, it may be not enough to detect geometric information about the curves in practice using this method. For instance, it is necessary to give more precise descriptions of the curves' shape in the study of envelopes[3], computerized design[4,5], and so forth. Object shape comparability is a challenging problem in the field of pattern recognition and computer vision[6]. The method based on geometric or algebraic invariants is the typical method in these applications.
Given an equation of a curve, it can comprehensively determine the shape of the curve. Hyperbolic functions are a class of important functions similar to common trigonometric functions in mathematics and other fields[7-9]. The basic hyperbolic functions are hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, which is denoted by "sh, ch", respectively. However, there is few results about the curves defined by hyperbolic functions. So in this paper, we will investigate a class of curves' shape, which are defined by hyperbolic functions and , namely, where are three fixed vectors. Our main result is the following theorem.
Theorem 1 Let be a regular curve. Then is planar. Furthermore, when , it is a straight line or line segment passing through the fixed point ; when is linearly independent, it is a hyperbola.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1, we give some basic definitions and recall some known facts. The main result, Theorem 1, is proved in Section 2. Section 3 investigates the shape of some generalization of the curve in Theorem 1.
1 Preliminaries
We first recall some definitions and results of analytic geometry and differential geometry, more details see Refs. [1010,1,2].
Let be a conic, where are arbitrary constants, but are not all equal to 0. We define as follows:
and call them the invariants of the conic.
Proposition 1[10] Suppose is a conic. Then the shape of a conic depends on the invariants: if , it is an ellipse; if , it is a hyperbola; if , it is a parabola.
According to Ref. [7] ,(See Fig.1, Fig.2).
Fig. 1 The function |
Fig. 2 The function |
Proposition 2[7] 1) ;
3) .
Definition 1[1,2] (Frenet Trihedron) Let be a regular curve with arc-length parameter . Then the ordered orthonormal basis are called the Frenet Trihedron if , , .
Definition 2[1,2] (Torsion of curve) Let be a regular curve with arc-length parameter . Then the real valued function satisfying is called the torsion of .
Definition 3[1,2] (Spiral) Let be a regular curve with its curvature, its torsion. Then it is called a spiral if for all .
Theorem 2[1,2] Let be a regular curve and its torsion. Then is a plane curve if and only if , where denotes the mixed product of vectors. In particular, if its curvature , it is a straight line or line segment.
Theorem 3[1,2] Let be a regular curve and its curvature. Then .
Combining Theorem 2 with Theorem 3, we obtain the following lemma, which is important to complete the proof of Theorem 1.
Lemma 1 Let be a differentiable function of , be a fixed vector. Then the curve satisfying is a straight line or line segment.
Proof By an easy calculation, we can get that
Obviously, its torsion is zero.
By Theorem 3, .
So by Theorem 2, the curve is a straight line or line segment passing through the fixed point .
2 Proof of Theorem 1
We still use all the notations in Section 1.To exclude the trivial case, we suppose that are not all equal to 0. We divide the proof of Theorem 1 into three steps.
Step 1 Prove the curve is planar.
According to Proposition 2, we get
Obviously, . So its torsion is zero.
Therefore, the curve is planar.
Step 2 Prove that the curve is a straight line or a line segment if .
Proof Because the curve is regular, for every .That is to say, cannot be zero vectors at the same time.
According to Lemma 1, it is easy to see that the curve is a straight line or a line segment passing through the fixed point .
We can obtain the same result in the similar way by Lemma 1.
3) .
Let ..Set , it cannot be zero and it is differentiable. So we get the same result by Lemma 1.
Step 3 Prove that the curve is a hyperbola if is linearly independent.
Proof It is easy to see that the fixed vector has no effect on the image, so we judge the shape of .
Since are linearly independent, without loss of generality, let the coordinates of the vectors be , , , respectively. Then we obtain that
By an easy calculation, we can get the equation as follows from (1):
By Proposition 1, we get that is a hyperbola.
3 A Generalization of the Curve in Theorem 1
In this section, we investigate the shapes of the regular curve , which is regarded as the generalization of the regular curve .
Theorem 4 Let be fixed vectors and a regular curve. Then
1) If , it is planar. In particular, if the rank of vectors is equal to 1, it is a straight line or a line segment.
2) If , it is spatial. In particular, if are pairwise perpendicular to each other and , it is a spatial spiral.
Proof We divide the proof into three steps.
Step 1 Give the relationship between the mixed product and the torsion.
Since is regular,. Thus cannot be null vector at the same time.
By an easy calculation, we can get
Combing the formula of torsion, we know that the mixed product of vectors of controls the shape of the curve.
Step 2 The provement of Theorem 4 1).
From ,we can get that the torsion of the curve is zero. By Theorem 2, it is planar.
When the rank of vectors is equal to 1, it means that and are parallel to each other. By Lemma 1, it is a straight line or line segment.
Step 3 The provement of Theorem 4 2).
From ,we can get that the torsion of the curve is not zero. So it is spatial.
Since is linearly independent and perpendicular to each other, without loss of generality, let the coordinates of the vectors be , , , respectively. Then we have
By an easy calculation, combining with ,we get
Thus we have
Obviously, .Therefore, the curve is a spatial spiral from Definition 3.
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All Figures
Fig. 1 The function | |
In the text |
Fig. 2 The function | |
In the text |
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