Open Access
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 29, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) 499 - 507
Published online 07 January 2025

© Wuhan University 2024

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0 Introduction

In this paper, let C denote the set of complex numbers, N the set of nonnegative integer, D the closed unit disc and Γ the unit circle. Let B(H) (F(H)) denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators (finite rank operators) acting on a complex, separable, infinite dimensional Hilbert space H. For an operator TB(H), we denote by σ(T),N(T) and R(T) the spectrum, the kernel and the range of T, respectively. Also, we write ρ(T)=C\σ(T),n(T)=dimN(T) and d(T)=codimR(T). If R(T) is closed and n(T) (d(T)) is finite, then T is called an upper (a lower) semi-Fredholm operator. And the upper semi-Fredholm operators and the lower semi-Fredholm operators are called semi-Fredholm operators. If T is a semi-Fredholm operator, the index of T is written as ind(T)=n(T)-d(T). In particular, if T is a semi-Fredholm operator with n(T)=0, then T is said to be a bounded below operator. Moreover, if T is upper semi-Fredholm with ind(T)0, then we call that T is an upper Weyl operator. The semi-Fredholm spectrum σSF(T),the approximate point spectrum σa(T) and the essential approximate point spectrum σea(T) are defined[1,2] by

σ S F ( T ) = { λ C : T - λ I   i s   n o t   a   s e m i F r e d h o l m   o p e r a t o r } , σ a ( T ) = { λ C :   T - λ I   i s   n o t   a   b o u n d e d   b e l o w   o p e r a t o r } , σ e a ( T ) = { λ C :   T - λ I   i s   n o t   a n   u p p e r   W e y l   o p e r a t o r } ,

and let ρSF(T)=C\σSF(T),ρa(T)=C\σa(T),ρea(T)=C\σea(T).

If n(T) and d(T) are finite, then we call that T is a Fredholm operator (Ref.[1], Theorem 1.53). Particularly, if T is a Fredholm operator with n(T)=d(T), then T is called a Weyl operator. Moreover, if T is a Fredholm operator of finite ascent asc(T) and descent des(T), then T is called a Browder operator (Ref.[2], Chapter III, Definition 6), where

a s c ( T ) = i n f { n N :   N ( T n ) = N ( T n + 1 ) } ,

d e s ( T ) = i n f { n N :   R ( T n ) = R ( T n + 1 ) } .

As we all know, if T is not invertible, then T is Browder if and only if T is semi-Fredholm and 0 is the boundary point of σ(T) (Ref.[3], Theorem 7.9.3). The classes of operators defined above generate the following spectra: the Weyl spectrum σw(T) and the Browder spectrum σb(T) are defined by

σ w ( T ) = { λ C :   T - λ I   i s   n o t   a   W e y l   o p e r a t o r } , σ b ( T ) = { λ C :   T - λ I   i s   n o t   a   B r o w d e r   o p e r a t o r } ,

and let ρw(T)=C\σw(T), ρb(T)=C\σb(T).

It is easy to prove σw(T)σb(T) and σw(T)=σw(T+F), where FF(H). From Ref.[4], we know if FF(H) commutes with T, then σb(T)=σb(T+F). σ0(T) is denoted by the set of all normal eigenvalues, that is σ0(T)=σ(T)\σb(T). Then we have σ0(T)iso σ(T), where iso σ(T) denotes the set of all isolated points of σ(T).

Recall that Weyl's theorem holds for TB(H) when the complement of the Weyl spectrum in the spectrum coincide with the set π00(T), where π00(T) is denoted by all the isolated points of σ(T) and these points are eigenvalues with finite multiplicity. In 1909, Weyl[5] discovered that for each Hermitian operator TB(H), σ(T)\σw(T)=π00(T) and since then the variations of Weyl's theorem have received a considerable attention[6-11]. Property (ω) as one variant was given by Rakočević[7]. In 2010, using the variant of essential approximate point spectrum, Sun et al[11] characterized property (ω1), which was a necessary condition of property (ω), and discussed the relation between property (ω1) and hypercyclic (or supercyclic) property. TB(H) has the Property (ω) if

σ a ( T ) \ σ e a ( T ) = π 00 ( T ) ,

where π00(T)={λiso σ(T): 0<n(T-λI)<}. In 2021, by the spectrum originated from the single-valued extension property, Dai et al[12] characterized property (ω), and discussed the relation between property (ω) and hypercyclic (supercyclic) property.

In this paper, using the new spectrum originating from CFI property around an operator, we continue to study property (ω) and hypercyclic (or supercyclic) property. In Section 1, we conclude the necessary and sufficient conditions for TB(H) satisfying the property (ω). In addition, the stability of the property (ω) is also studied. In Section 2, we considered the relations between property (ω) and hypercyclic (or supercyclic) property.

1 Property (ω) and Its Perturbation

Now we begin with a definition and a lemma.

Definition 1   (Ref.[13], Definition 3.1) We say that TB(H) is Consistence in Fredholm and Index (CFI for short), if for each SB(H), one of the following cases occurs:

1) Both TS and ST are Fredholm, and ind(TS)=ind(ST)=ind(S);

2) Both TS and ST are not Fredholm.

Lemma 1   (Ref.[13], Theorem 3.2) Let TB(H). Then T is a CFI operator if and only if one of the following three mutually disjoint cases occurs:

1) T is Weyl;

2) R(T) is closed and n(T)=d(T)=;

3) R(T) is not closed.

It follows from Lemma 1 that TB(H) is not CFI if and only if T is semi-Fredholm and ind(T)0.

Following we define the new spectrum set. Let

ρ 1 ( T ) = { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) <

T - μ I   i s   C F I   i f   0 < | μ - λ | < ϵ   f o r   s o m e   ϵ > 0 }

and let σ1(T)=C\ρ1(T). From the perturbation of semi-Fredholm operators, if λσw(T), then n(T-λI)<, and T-μI is Weyl if 0<|μ-λ|<ϵ for some ϵ>0. It easily follows from Lemma 1 and the definition of ρ1(T) that σ1(T)σw(T)σb(T)σ(T).

Recall that T is isoloid if iso σ(T)σp(T), where σp(T) is the point spectrum of T. And let σd(T)={λC:R(T-λI) is not closed}. Then we have the following theorem.

Theorem 1   Let TB(H). Then T is isoloid and has property (ω) if and only if

σ ( T ) = [ σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } ] [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] σ 0 ( T ) [ ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) ] ,

where acc σ(T) denotes the set of accumulation points of σ(T).

Proof   Suppose T is isoloid and has property (ω).. Let λ0[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]σ0(T)[ρa(T)σ(T)]. We claim that n(T-λ0I)d(T-λ0I). In fact, assume that n(T-λ0I)<d(T-λ0I), then n(T-λ0I)<. Note that λ0acc σ(T)σd(T). If λ0acc σ(T), then λ0iso σ(T)ρ(T). Since T is isoloid and has property (ω), it follows from Chapter XI, Property 6.9 of Ref. [14] that λ0π00(T)ρ(T)σ0(T)ρ(T). Then ind(T-λ0I)=0, which is a contradiction. If λ0σd(T), then T-λ0I is an upper semi-Fredholm operator and ind(T-λ0I)<0. Observing that λ0ρa(T)σ(T), we know λ0[σa(T)\σea(T)]ρ(T)σ0(T)ρ(T), a contradiction. Therefore n(T-λ0I)d(T-λ0I), which implies λ0σ1(T). Hence n(T-λ0I)< and T-λI is CFI if 0<|λ-λ0|<ϵ for some ϵ>0. Again note that λ0acc σ(T)σd(T). Similarly, we know that if λ0acc σ(T), then λ0σ0(T)ρ(T). Since λ0σ0(T), it follows that λ0ρ(T), i.e.,λ0σ(T). If λ0σd(T), then T-λ0I is an upper semi-Fredholm operator. By the punctured neighborhood theorem of semi-Fredholm operators and the definition of ρ1(T), we conclude that T-λI is both semi-Fredholm and CFI if 0<|λ-λ0|<ϵ for some ϵ>0. Therefore T-λI is Weyl operator if 0<|λ-λ0|<ϵ. Now we can obtain that T-λ0I is Weyl. The fact that property (ω) holds for T tells us that λ0ρb(T). Since λ0σ0(T), it follows that λ0ρ(T), which means λ0σ(T). The opposite conclusion is clear. So we have

σ ( T ) = [ σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } ] [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] σ 0 ( T ) [ ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) ] .

Conversely, suppose σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)

d ( T - λ I ) } ] [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] σ 0 ( T ) [ ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) ] . Since σa(T)\σea(T)={λσa(T)\σea(T): ind(T-λI)<0}

{ λ σ a ( T ) \ σ e a ( T ) :   i n d ( T - λ I ) = 0 } , it follows from {λσa(T)\σea(T): ind(T-λI)<0}{[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]σ0(T)

[ ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) ] } = that {λσa(T)\σea(T): ind(T-λI)<0}σ(T)=.Then {λσa(T)\σea(T): ind(T-λI)<0}=. Thus σa(T)\σea(T)ρw(T). Since ρw(T){[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]σ0(T)[ρa(T)σ(T)]}=σ0(T), we obtain that σa(T)\σea(T)σ0(T). Then σa(T)\σea(T)π00(T). From the fact that

π 00 ( T ) [ σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } ] =


π 00 ( T ) [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] =   ,   π 00 ( T ) [ ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) ] = ,

We have that π00(T)=π00(T)σ(T)=π00(T)σ0(T)σ0(T)σa(T)\σea(T). Thus σa(T)\σea(T)=π00(T), that is, property (ω) holds for T. Since {λiso σ(T): n(T-λI)=0}{[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]σ0(T)[ρa(T)σ(T)]}=, then {λiso σ(T):n(T-λI)=0}={λiso σ(T): n(T-λI)=0}σ(T)=. It follows that T is isoloid.

Remark 1   From the proof of Theorem 1, we know that if T is isoloid and has property (ω), then σ(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)]σ0(T)[ρa(T)σ(T)]. But the converse is not true.

For example, let T1,T2B(l2) be defined as

T 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( 0,0 , x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) T 2 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , )

and let T=(T100T2). Then σ(T)=σ1(T)=D, thus σ(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)]σ0(T)[ρa(T)σ(T)]. But since σa(T)=D, σea(T)=Γ, π00(T)=, it follows that property (ω) does not hold for T.

Remark 2   If TB(H) is isoloid and has property (ω), the spectrum σ(T) can be decomposed as four blocks, and each block cannot be avoided.

1) "σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}" cannot be avoided.

For example, let T1B(l2) be defined as

T 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , 0 , x 3 3 , 0 , x 5 5 , 0 , ) ,

and let T=I-T1. Then

( a )   σ a ( T ) = σ e a ( T ) = { 1 } ,   π 00 ( T ) = .

( b )   σ ( T ) = { 1 } ,   a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) = ,   σ 0 ( T ) = , ρ a ( T )     σ ( T ) = .

Therefore T is isoloid and has property (ω), but σ(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)]σ0(T)[ρa(T)σ(T)].

2) "acc σ(T)σd(T)" cannot be avoided.

For example, let T1, T2B(l2) be defined as

T 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) , T 2 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , x 2 2 , x 3 3 , ) ,

and let T=(T100T2). Then

( a )   σ ( T ) = D ,   σ a ( T ) = σ e a ( T ) = Γ { 0 } ,   π 00 ( T ) = .

( b )   σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } = ,   σ 0 ( T ) = ,   ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) = { λ C :   0 < | λ | < 1 } .

Therefore T is isoloid and property (ω) holds for T, but

σ ( T ) [ σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } ] σ 0 ( T )

[ ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) ] .

3) "σ0(T)" cannot be avoided.

For example, let T1,T2B(l2) be defined as

T 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , ) , T 2 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( x 1 , 0,0 , )

and let T=(T100T2+I). Then

( a )   σ ( T ) = σ a ( T ) = D { 2 } , σ e a ( T ) = D   , π 00 ( T ) = { 2 } .

( b )   σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } = D , a c c   σ ( T )   σ d ( T ) = Γ ,   ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) = .

Therefore T is isoloid and has property (ω), but σ(T)[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)][ρa(T)σ(T)].

4) "[ρa(T)σ(T)]" cannot be avoided.

For example, let TB(l2) be defined as

T ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) .


( a )   σ ( T ) = σ 1 ( T ) = D ,   σ a ( T ) = σ e a ( T ) = Γ ,   π 00 ( T ) = .

( b )   σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } = ,

a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) = Γ , σ 0 ( T ) = .

Therefor T is isoloid and has propert (ω), but σ(T)[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]σ0(T).

Next, we will consider the stability of property (ω).

Remark 3   1) There exist TB(H) and FF(H) with TF=FT such that property (ω) holds for T but not holds for T+F.

For example, let T1B(l2) be defined as

T 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , x 2 2 , x 3 3 , ) ,

and let T=(T100I).Then σa(T)=σea(T)={0,1},π00(T)=. Hence T has property (ω).

Let T2B(l2) be defined as

T 2 ( x 1 , x 2 , ) = ( x 1 , 0,0 , ) ,

and let F=(000-T2). Then FF(H), TF=FT and T+F=(T100I-T2). Hence σa(T+F)=σea(T+F)={0,1},π00(T+F)={0}. Therefore, T+F does not have property (ω).

2) Suppose σ1(T)=. Then for every FF(H) commuting with T, T+F is isoloid and has property (ω) if and only if T is isoloid and has property (ω).

In fact, we only need to prove the sufficiency. Suppose T is isoloid and has property (ω). For any finite rank F satisfying TF=FT, since σ1(T)=, it follows that σea(T)=σSF(T)=σw(T). Hence

σ a ( T + F ) \ σ e a ( T + F ) ρ w ( T ) = ρ b ( T ) ρ b ( T + F ) . Thus

σ a ( T + F ) \ σ e a ( T + F )   π 00 ( T + F ) .  

Conversely, note that π00(T+F){λiso σ(T):n(T-λI)

< } ρ ( T ) and T is isoloid, we know

π 00 ( T + F ) π 00 ( T ) ρ ( T ) ρ b ( T ) = ρ b ( T + F ) .  

Therefore property (ω) holds for T+F.

Observing that {λiso σ(T+F): n(T+F)=0}{λiso σ(T): n(T-λI)<}ρ(T)π00(T)ρ(T)ρb(T)ρb(T+F), we see {λiso σ(T+F): n(T+F)=0}=, that is, T+F is isoloid.

3) Suppose σ1(T) is finite. Then for any FF(H) commuting with T, T+F is isoloid and has property (ω) if and only if T is isoloid and has property (ω).

In fact, since σ1(T) is finite, we know that σSF(T)=σw(T). It is similar to the proof of the above statement, we can prove the statement (3) is true.

4) Suppose T is quasinilpotent operator and has property (ω). Then for any finite rank F commuting with T, T+F has property (ω).

In fact, since T is quasinilpotent and has property (ω), it follows that σa(T)=σea(T), π00(T)=, then n(T)=0 or n(T)=. As we know, if n(T)=0, then the only finite operator commuting with T is F=0, thus T+F=T, which implies that T+F has property (ω). Next if n(T)=, then σ(T)={0}. Note that T is isoloid and has property (ω), from 3) of Remark 3, we know that for any finite rank operator F commuting with T, T+F has property (ω).

Theorem 2   Suppose int σ1(T)=. Then the following statements are equivalent:

1) T is isoloid and has property (ω);

2) For any FF(H) with TF=FT, T+F is isoloid and has property (ω).

Proof   We only need to prove 1)2). Suppose T is isoloid and has property (ω). From int σ1(T)= and the punctured neighborhood theorem of semi-Fredholm operators, we can get that σSF(T)=σw(T)=σb(T), then       σa(T+F)\σea(T+F)ρSF(T+F)           =ρSF(T)=ρw(T)=ρb(T)[ρb(T+F)].

Hence σa(T+F)\σea(T+F)ρb(T+F), which implies σa(T+F)\σea(T+F)π00(T+F). Since

π 00 ( T + F ) { λ i s o   σ ( T ) :   n ( T - λ I ) < } ρ ( T ) ,  

since T is isoloid, and from the Chapter XI, Property 6.9 of Ref.[14] we have that

π 00 ( T + F ) π 00 ( T ) ρ ( T ) ρ b ( T ) ρ b ( T + F ) ,


π 00 ( T + F ) σ a ( T + F ) \ σ e a ( T + F ) .  

Therefore T+F has property (ω).

It is similar to the proof of part 2) in Remark 3, we can prove that T+F is isoloid.

2 Property (ω) and Hypercyclic (Supercyclic) Property

For xH, the orbit of x under T is the set of images of x under successive iterates of T:

O r b ( T , x ) = { x , T x , T 2 x , } .

For xH, if Orb(T,x) is dense in H, then x is hypercyclic; if the set of scalar multiples of Orb(T,x) is dense, then x supercyclic. A hypercyclic operator is one that has a hypercyclic vector. Similarly we can define the notion of supercyclic operator. We denote by HC(H) (SC(H)) the set of all hypercyclic (supercyclic) operators in B(H) and HC(H)¯ (SC(H)¯) the norm-closure of the class HC(H) (SC(H)). Recall that TB(H) has hypercyclic (or supercyclic) property if THC(H)¯ (or SC(H)¯). In 1974, Hilden and Wallen[15] introduced supercyclic property. Then Kitai[16] established many fundamental results about the theory of hypercyclic or supercyclic property in her thesis. And Refs.[12,17,18] studied the relation between Weyl type theorems and hypercyclic (or supercyclic) property. Then we will continue this work as follows.

The following lemmas give the essential facts for hypercyclic property and supercyclic property which we will need to prove the main theorem.

Lemma 2   (Ref.[19], Theorem 2.1) HC(H)¯ is the class of all those operators TB(H) satisfying the conditions:

(1) σw(T)Γ is connected;

(2) σ0(T)=;

(3) ind (T-λI)0 for every λρSF(T).

Lemma 3   (Ref.[19, Theorem 3.3) SC(H)¯ is the set of all those operators TB(H) satisfying the conditions:

(1) σ(T)rΓ is connected (for some r0);

(2) σw(T)rΓ is connected (for some r0);

(3) either σ0(T)= or σ0(T)={α} for some α0;

(4) ind (T-λI)0 for every λρSF(T).

In the following, let H(T) be the class of complex-valued functions which are analytic in a neighbourhood of σ(T), and are not constant on any neighbourhood of any component of σ(T). Then we have the following result.

Theorem 3   Suppose σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)] is connected. If fH(T) satisfies |f(λ0)|=1 for some λ0σ(T), then f(T)HC(H)¯.

Proof   Suppose σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)] is connected. Since {λiso σ(T): n(T-λI)<}{[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]}=, it follows that {λiso σ(T): n(T-λI)<}=. Similarly, we can get that σ(T)=σb(T)=σw(T). Since both σ(T) and σb(T) satisfy the spectral mapping theorem, it follows that σ(f(T))\σb(f(T))f(σ(T)\σb(T))f({λiso σ(T): n(T-λI)<})=. Hence σ(f(T))\σb(f(T))=.

From {λρSF(T): ind(T-λI)<0}{[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]}=, we know that {λρSF(T): ind(T-λI)<0}σ(T)=. Then {λρSF(T): ind(T-λI)<0}=, that is, ind(T-λI)0 for any λρSF(T). Thus, for any μρSF(f(T)), we can easily prove that ind (f(T)-μI)0.

Note that ind(T-λI)0 for any λρSF(T), by Theorem 5 of Ref.[6], we can get that σw(f(T))=f(σ(T)). Since |f(λ0)|=1 for some λ0σ(T), we see f(λ0)f(σ(T))=f(σw(T))=σw(f(T)) and f(λ0)Γ, thus f(λ0)σw(f(T))Γ. Moreover, since σw(f(T)) and Γ are both connected, it follows that σw(f(T))Γ is connected. By Lemma 2, we can conclude that f(T)HC(H)¯.

Remark 4   (1) If σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)] is connected, then for every fH(T), there exists a c0 such that cf(T)HC(H)¯.

In fact, for every fH(T), there exits a λ0σ(T) such that f(λ0)0. Let c=1f(λ0). Then from Theorem 3, we can get that cf(T)HC(H)¯.

(2) If σ(T)=σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)} is connected, then the result of Theorem 3 holds.

(3) If σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)] is connected, then from the proof of Theorem 3, f(T)SC(H)¯f(T)SC(H)¯ for every fH(T).

Corollary 1   Suppose σ1(T)= and σ(T)=σw(T) is connected. If fH(T) and there exists λ0σ(T) such that |f(λ0)|=1, then f(T)SC(H)¯.

Proof   From σ1(T)= and the punctured neighborhood theorem for semi-Fredholm operators, we have σSF(T)=σw(T). Now we can obtain the result by an argument similar to the proof of Theorem 3.

In general, property (ω) and hypercyclic (or supercyclic) property of an operator have no relation.

For example: (1) Let TB(l2) be defined as

T ( x 1 , x 2 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , x 2 , ) .

Then we can easily get that T is isoloid and has property (ω), but THC(H)¯.

(2) Let T1,T2B(l2) be defined as

T 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , x 2 , ) , T 2 ( x 1 , x 2 , ) = ( x 2 , x 3 , ) ,

and let T=(T100T2). We can easily get that THC(H)¯, but T does not have property (ω).

Next, by the connection between spectrum σ(T) and the new defined spectrum σ1(T), we give the necessary and sufficient condition for which T is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and THC(H)¯.

Theorem 4   Let TB(H). Then T is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and THC(H)¯ if and only if σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]and σ(T)Γ is connected.

Proof   Suppose σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)] and σ(T)Γ is connected. Firstly, we show that THC(H)¯. Note that

σ ( T ) \ σ b ( T ) ] [ σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } ] =


σ ( T ) \ σ b ( T ) ] [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] = ,

we have [σ(T)\σb(T)]σ(T)=. Then σ0(T)=. Moreover, since

{ λ ρ S F ( T ) :   i n d ( T - λ I ) < 0 } [ σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } ] =


{ λ ρ S F ( T ) :   i n d ( T - λ I ) < 0 } [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] = ,

it follows that {λρSF(T): ind(T-λI)<0}σ(T)=. Thus, for every λρSF(T),ind(T-λI)0. Again from ρw(T){[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]}= and the given condition, we conclude thatσ(T)=σw(T). Then σw(T)Γ is connected. By Lemma 2, we get that THC(H)¯.

Next, we will prove that T is isoloid and has property (ω). By

σ ( T ) = [ σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } ] [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] ,

we conclude that

σ ( T ) = [ σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } ] [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] σ 0 ( T ) [ ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) ] .

It follows from Theorem 1 that T is isoloid and has property (ω).

Conversely, suppose T is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and THC(H)¯. Since THC(H)¯, we have σ0(T)= and [ρa(T)σ(T)]=. By Theorem 1, we can get that σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]. Note, again, that THC(H)¯ and property (ω) holds for T, we have σw(T)=σb(T)=σ(T) and σw(T)Γ is connected. Thus σ(T)Γ is connected.

Remark 5   In Theorem 4, if T is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and THC(H)¯, then the spectrum σ(T) can be decomposed as two blocks, and each block cannot be avoided.

(1) "σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}" cannot be avoided.

For example, let T1B(l2) be defined as

T 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , 0 , x 3 3 , 0 , x 5 5 , ) ,

and let T=I-T1. Then σ(T)={1}.

It is clear that T is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and THC(H)¯. But since acc σ(T)σd(T)=, it follows that σ(T)acc σ(T)σd(T).

(2) "acc σ(T)σd(T)"cannot be avoided.

For example, let T1,T2,T3B(H) be defined as

T 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) , T 2 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( x 3 , x 4 , x 5 , ) , T 3 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , x 2 2 , x 3 3 , )

and let T=(T1000T2000T3). Then T is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and THC(H)¯. By calculation, we can get σ1(T)=D. Since n(T)< and R(T) is not closed, we can conclude that 0{λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}. Then 0σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}.Thus σ(T)σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}.

(3) Let TB(H). Then T is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and TSC(H)¯ if and only if σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)], or there exists a λ0σ0(T) such that σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]{λ0}, and σ(T)(rD) is connected for some r0.

The following corollary gives the necessary and sufficient condition for which hypercyclic operator is isoloid and has property (ω).

Corollary 2   Suppose THC(H)¯. Then T is isoloid and has property (ω) if and only if σ(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)].

Proof   Suppose T is isoloid and has property (ω). It follows from Theorem 4 that σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]σ1(T)[accσ(T)σd(T)]. The opposite inclusion is clear. Hence σ(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)].

Conversely, suppose σ(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)] .Since THC(H)¯, then {λρSF(T): ind(T-λI)<0}=.From σ1(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}], we claim that σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}acc σ(T)σd(T). In fact, if there exists λ0σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}, but λ0acc σ(T)σd(T), then n(T-λ0I)<.

Case 1 If λ0acc σ(T), then λ0iso σ(T)ρ(T) and n(T-λ0I)<. Hence, λ0ρ1(T), a contradiction to λσ1(T).

Case 2 If λ0σd(T), then λ0{λρSF(T): n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}, a contradiction to {λρSF(T): n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}=.

Therefore,σ(T)=[σ1(T){λC: n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}][acc σ(T)σd(T)]. By Theorem 1 or Theorem 4, we can conclude that T is isoloid and has property (ω).

Similarly, we can get the following conclusion.

Corollary 3   Suppose TSC(H)¯. Then T is isoloid and has property (ω) if and only if σb(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)].

Using Corollary 2 and Corollary 3, we can prove the following conclusions.

Corollary 4   (1) Suppose THC(H)¯. Then for every fH(T), f(T) is isoloid and has property (ω) if and only if σ(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)].

(2) Suppose TSC(H)¯. Then for every fH(T), f(T) is isoloid and has property (ω) if and only if σb(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)].

In Corollary 1 or Corollary 2, suppose T is isoloid and has property (ω). If THC(H)¯, then we have σ(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)]. But the converse is not true.

For example, let TB(l2) be defined as

T ( x 1 , x 2 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , x 2 , ) .

Then T is isoloid and has property (ω). By calculation, we can get that σ(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)], but THC(H)¯.

Similarly, suppose T is isoloid and has property (ω). If TSC(H)¯, then we have σb(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)]. But the converse is also not true.

Following we will discuss the necessary and sufficient conditions for THC(H)¯ or T SC(H)¯ when T is isoloid and has property (ω).

Corollary 5   Suppose T is isoloid and has property (ω). Then

(1) THC(H)¯σ(T)=[σ1(T)σa(T)][acc σ(T)σd(T)] and σ(T)Γ is connected.

(2) TSC(H)¯σ(T)=[σ1(T)σa(T)][acc σ(T)σd(T)] or σ(T)=[σ1(T)σa(T)][acc σ(T)σd(T)]{λ}, where λσ0(T) and σ(T)rΓ is connected for some r0.

Proof   (1) () Since THC(H)¯, it follows that σ(T)=σa(T). By Corollary 2, we know that

σ ( T ) = σ 1 ( T ) [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] = [ σ 1 ( T ) σ ( T ) ] [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ]

= [ σ 1 ( T ) σ a ( T ) ]   [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] .  

Note that THC(H)¯ and T has property (ω), we see σ(T)=σw(T). Thus σ(T)Γ is connected.

( ) Since σ1(T)σa(T)=[σ1(T){λσa(T): n(T-λI)>d(T-λI)}][σ1(T){λσa(T): n(T-λI)=d(T-λI)==}][σ1(T){λσa(T): n(T-λI)=d(T-λI)<}][σ1(T){λσa(T): n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}] , clearly [σ1(T) {λσa(T): n(T-λI)=d(T-λI)<}]= and [σ1(T)  [{λσa(T): n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}]]acc σ(T)σd(T)


σ ( T ) = [ σ 1 ( T ) { λ C :   n ( T - λ I ) [ d ( T - λ I ) } ]   [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] ]   .

By Theorem 3, we can conclude that THC(H)¯.

(2) Similarly, we can prove (2).

Following we will discuss the connection between property (ω) and hypercyclic (or supercyclic).

Theorem 5   Suppose σ(T)=[σ1(T)σa(T)][acc σ(T)σd(T)]. Then the following statements are equivalent:

(1) THC(H)¯;

(2) T is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and σ(T)Γ is connected;

(3) For every fH(T), f(T) is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and σ(T)Γ is connected;

(4) For every FF(H) with TF=FT, T+F is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and σ(T)Γ is connected.

Proof   ( 1 ) ( 3 ) Suppose THC(H)¯. Since σ(T)=[σ1(T)σa(T)][acc σ(T)σd(T)]σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)], it follows that σ(T)=σ1(T)[acc σ(T)σd(T)]. By Corollary 4 (1), we can get that for every fH(T), f(T) is isoloid and has property (ω). Then σw(T)=σb(T). From THC(H)¯, we know that σ(T)=σb(T) and σw(T)Γ is connected.

Therefore σ(T)Γ is connected.

( 3 ) ( 2 ) It is clear.

( 2 ) ( 1 ) By Corollary 5(1), we can prove (1) holds.

( 2 ) ( 4 ) We only need to prove (2)(4). Suppose T is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and σ(T)Γ is connected. Then σea(T)=σw(T). If FF(H) with TF=FT, we have σea(T+F)=σw(T+F)=σw(T). Thus σa(T+F)\σea(T+F)ρw(T)=ρb(T)=ρb(T+F)π00(T+F). Conversely, since π00(T+F){λiso σ(T): n(T)<}ρ(T) and T is isoloid, we can conclude that π00(T+F)π00(T)ρ(T)ρb(T)=ρb(T+F). Hence, T+F has property (ω). Moreover, since {λiso σ(T+F): n(T+F-λI)=0}{λiso σ(T): n(T-λI)<}ρ(T)π00(T)ρ(T)

ρ b ( T ) ρ b ( T + F ) , it follows that {λiso σ(T+F): n(T+F)=0}=. Therefore T+F is isoloid.

Similarly, we can prove the following Corollary.

Corollary 6   Suppose σ(T)=[σ1(T)σa(T)][acc σ(T)σd(T)]. Then the following statements are equivalent:

(1) TSC(H)¯;

(2) T is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and σ(T)(rD) is connected for some r0;

(3) For every fH(T), f(T) is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and σ(T)rΓ is connected for some r0;

(4) For every FF(H) with TF=FT, T+F is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and σ(T)rΓ is connected for some r0.

Corollary 7   Suppose int σ1(T)= and σ(T)=σw(T). Then the following statements are equivalent:

(1) THC(H)¯;

(2) T is isoloid and has property (ω), and σ(T)Γ is connected;

(3) For every fH(T), f(T) is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and σ(T)Γ is connected;

(4) For every FF(H) with TF=FT, T+F is isoloid satisfying property (ω) and σ(T)Γ is connected.

Proof   Suppose (2) holds. We now show that

σ ( T ) = [ σ 1 ( T ) σ a ( T ) ] [ a c c   σ ( T ) σ d ( T ) ] .

It suffices to prove that σ(T)[σ1(T)σa(T)][acc σ(T)σd(T)]. For any λ0[σ1(T)σa(T)][acc σ(T)σd(T)], we see λ0σ1(T) or λ0σa(T). If λ0σa(T), it follows from [ρa(T)σ(T)]int σ1(T)= that λσ(T). If λ0σ1(T), then n(T-λ0I)<, and T-λI is a CFI operator if 0<|λ-λ0|<ϵ for some ϵ>0. Observing that λ0[acc σ(T)σd(T)],

Case 1 λ 0 a c c   σ ( T ) . Since T is isoloid and has property (ω), it follows that λ0{iso σ(T): n(T-λI)<}ρ(T)π00(T)ρ(T)ρw(T)=ρ(T).

Case 2 λ 0 σ d ( T ) . Then T-λ0I is an upper Fredholm operator. By the punctured neighborhood theorem of semi-Fredholm operators and the definition of ρ1(T), we conclude that T-λ0I is Weyl operator. Hence T-λ0I is invertible.

Therefore, we have σ(T)=[σ1(T)σa(T)][acc σ(T)σd(T)]. By Theorem 5, we can prove (1), (3) and (4) hold.

It is clear that (3)(2) and (4)(2). We only need to show (1)(2).

Suppose THC(H)¯. Then σa(T)\σea(T)ρw(T)=ρ(T). Thus σa(T)\σea(T)=. Since {iso σ(T): n(T-λ0I)<}int σ1(T)=, it follows that T is isoloid and π00(T)=.

Hence T is isoloid and has property (ω).


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