Issue |
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 29, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 508 - 516 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 January 2025 |
CLC number: O175.3
Inverse Sturm-Liouville Problems with a Class of Non-Self-Adjoint Boundary Conditions Containing the Spectral Parameter
一类具有非自伴谱参数边界条件的 Sturm-Liouville 逆问题
1 College of Sciences, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, Inner Mongolia, China
2 E-Learning Network Center, Ordos Municipal Party Committee School, Ordos 017000, Inner Mongolia, China
† Corresponding author. E-mail: george_ao78@sohu .com
The inverse spectral theory of a class of Atkinson-type Sturm-Liouville problems with non-self-adjoint boundary conditions containing the spectral parameter is investigated. Based on the so-called matrix representations of such problems and a special class of inverse matrix eigenvalue problems, some of the coefficient functions of the corresponding Sturm-Liouville problems are constructed by using priori known two sets of complex numbers satisfying certain conditions. To best understand the result, an algorithm and some examples are posted.
Key words: inverse Sturm-Liouville problems / inverse matrix eigenvalue problems / eigenparameter-dependent boundary / Atkinson type / pseudo-Jacobi matrix
关键字 : Sturm-Liouville逆问题 / 逆矩阵特征值问题 / 谱参数边界 / Atkinson类型 / 伪Jacobi矩阵
Cite this article: ZHANG Liang, AO Jijun, LÜ Wenyan. Inverse Sturm-Liouville Problems with a Class of Non-Self-Adjoint Boundary Conditions Containing the Spectral Parameter[J]. Wuhan Univ J of Nat Sci, 2024, 29(6): 508-516.
Biography: ZHANG Liang, male, Ph. D. candidate, research direction: differential operators and their applications. E-mail:
Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (12261066, 11661059) and the Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia (2021MS01020)
© Wuhan University 2024
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0 Introduction
This paper focuses on the inverse spectral theory of Atkinson-type Sturm-Liouville problems (SLPs) with a class of non-self-adjoint boundary conditions containing the spectral parameter (also called eigenparameter-dependent boundary conditions). Since such problems have a finite number of eigenvalues, we will take advantage of the associated finite dimensional inverse eigenvalue problems of the form
where and are square matrices over the complex and is an "almost" Jacobi matrix (in fact, a kind of generalized pseudo-Jacobi matrix), and is 'almost' diagonal.
Consider the eigenvalue problem consisting of the Sturm-Liouville equation
subject to the boundary conditions (BCs)
where ,,with ,,,satisfying or is the spectral parameter.
In the case of bothand , the corresponding inverse spectral problems have been investigated in Ref. [1], in which the problems are self-adjoint and hence with real eigenvalues. However, it is well known that the conditions as mentioned above mean that the boundary conditions (3) are non-self-adjoint; thus, the eigenvalues of this problem may not be real, and the distribution of eigenvalues is more complex than the self-adjoint cases. The inverse Atkinson-type SLPs with coupled self-adjoint boundary conditions containing the spectral parameter can also be found in Ref. [2].
Similar with the definition in Ref. [1], the Sturm-Liouville equation (2) is said to be of Atkinson-type if there exists a partition of the domain interval ,
for some positive integer such that
SLPs (2) and (3) are said to be of Atkinson-type if (2) is of Atkinson-type, and BCs (3) are self-adjoint or non-self-adjoint.
The problems of Atkinson-type have some significant backgrounds, for instance, frequencies of vibrating strings and diffusion operators[3]. Following the statement in Ref. [4], in the present work, we still call such problems the Atkinson-type because such problems are initiated by Atkinson and Kong et al[5,6], though the BCs are non-self-adjoint. The problems that can be transferred into the problems of Atkinson-type also can be found in recent studies in Ref. [7] for discrete Sturm-Liouville problems.
It is well known that matrix eigenvalue problems, such as the eigenvalue problems of Jacobi matrices and pseudo-Jacobi matrices, have wide applications[8]. On the other hand, the spectral theory of Sturm-Liouville problems also arises from many practical problems and has been widely studied in various aspects[9,10]. It is well known that the inverse matrix eigenvalue problems and the inverse Sturm-Liouville problems are important research topics and have been intensely investigated in mathematics, physics, and some other fields in engineering, such as the problems associated with vibrating systems[11], classical moment problems[12] and quantum mechanics[13]. There have been numerous studies on inverse matrix eigenvalue problems in the last decades[8,14-18]. The inverse Sturm-Liouville problems are initiated by the well-known Ambarzumian's[19], Borg's[20], and Levinson's[21] works, and the extending results can be found in some literatures such as Refs. [9,22-25].
Sturm-Liouville problems with boundary conditions containing the spectral parameter have appeared in some physical problems and engineering problems, such as string vibration and heat transfer problems[26,27]. Hence, it is an important research topic in mathematical physics[26-31].
Based on the above, in the present paper, a class of inverse Atkinson-type Sturm-Liouville problems with non-self-adjoint boundary conditions containing the spectral parameter (2),(3) are investigated by using the corresponding inverse matrix eigenvalue problem of (1), which can be seen as a generalization of Ref. [32] to such problems.
The inverse Atkinson-type Sturm-Liouville problems were initiated by Kong and Volkmer et al[32,33]. In 2012, Kong and Zettl[32] gave an investigation on the inverse Atkinson-type Sturm-Liouville problems by taking advantage of the so-called matrix representations of these problems presented in Ref. [4] and a generalized method of the inverse matrix eigenvalue problems from Xu[8]. In Ref. [32], the authors also compared the classical inverse Sturm-Liouville problems with the inverse Atkinson-type Sturm-Liouville problems and showed their differences. In recent years, several works on such problems have been made by some researchers[1,2,34,35]. However, as far as we know, there is no such result for non-self-adjoint cases.
Some basic notations are needed to be introduced as follows. Let the equation be given as in (2) and the coefficients satisfy the conditions (5)-(7), and let denote the spectrum of the problem (2), (3) to highlight the dependence of the spectrum on the parameters. Assume that and and we use to represent the set of complex matrices. For any, denotes all the eigenvalues of. Furthermore, letandbe the principal submatrices, which are obtained by removing the first row and column and the last row and column from, respectively. For a given, let denote the matrix, where we add to the entry of and let denote the matrix, where we add to the entry of. For any, if there exists a nontrivial vector such that, then we say that is an eigenvalue of the matrix-pair. Similarly, let denote all the eigenvalues of. Then it is easy to see,if and only if, where is the identity matrix in.
The arrangement of this paper is as follows. Section 1 contains the equivalences between the matrix problem and the problem studied here. As a main bridge, the inverse matrix eigenvalue problems related to the considered problems are stated in Section 2. The main result and its proof are given in Section 3. A numerical algorithm and related examples are posted in Section 4.
1 Equivalence Matrix Representations of the Problems
To present our result, let us introduce the following lemma firstly, which implies the equivalence between the Atkinson-type SLPs and the SLPs with piecewise constant coefficients.
Lemma 1[4] Assume and satisfy the conditions (5)-(7), where denotes the complex-valued functions which are lebesque inteqrable on . Let
If we define the piecewise constant functions and on by
Note that on means that on .
Then, the eigenvalues of problems (2), (3) and the problem consisting of the equation
and the same BCs (3) are exactly the same eigenvalues.
Lemma 1 implies that for a fixed BCs (3) and a given partition of the interval , there exists a family of Atkinson-type SLPs such as they have exactly the same eigenvalues as problem (9), (3). Such a family is called the equivalent family of problem (9), (3). Indeed, every problem in this equivalent family must have the same , and defined by (8).
We will use the following lemmas and Theorem 2 to prove our main theorem (Theorem 3), which indicates the equivalences between Atkinson-type SLPs with non-self-adjoint boundary conditions containing the spectral parameter and the matrix eigenvalue problems given in Ref. [36].
Lemma 2[36] Assume that in BCs (3), the parameters satisfy the conditions , , , and or . Let us define an generalized pseudo-Jacobi matrix
and a diagonal matrix
as well as an "almost" diagonal matrix
Here the "almost" diagonal matrix means that except for the and entries, it is diagonal.
i.e. the spectrum of the problem (9), (3), and the spectrum of the matrix-pair are the same.
Lemma 3 Assume that in BCs (3), the parameters satisfy the conditions , and . Let us define angeneralized pseudo-Jacobi matrix
and a diagonal matrix
as well as an "almost" diagonal matrix
Proof The proof is similar to the proof of Lemma 2 in Ref. [36]; since it is routine, we omit the details.
Lemma 4 Assume that in BCs (3), the parameters satisfy the conditions , and . Let us define an generalized pseudo-Jacobi matrix
and a diagonal matrix
as well as an "almost" diagonal matrix
Proof The proof is similar with those in Lemma 3.
Remark 1 It can be noted that in Lemmas 2-4, the following equalities hold
2 Inverse Matrix Eigenvalue Problems
In this section, we discuss the isospetral inverse matrix eigenvalue problems. Compared with the matrices given in Lemmas 2-4, we first consider the so-called generalized pseudo-Jacobi matrix in , which takes the form as
Definition 1 If a matrix takes the form of (19) and satisfies with the conditions for all, then it is called a generalized pseudo-Jacobi matrix.
Definition 2 If a matrix takes the form as
and satisfies with the conditions , and , then it is called a generalized positive pseudo-Jacobi matrix.
If we setand let, then the matrix can be transformed to a positive pseudo-Jacobi matrix of the form
Since it is a similarity transformation, hence the eigenvalues of matrices and are the same.
To best understand the theorems below, we still need to introduce a kind of generalized pseudo-Jacobi matrix , which takes the form
where for all .
Lemma 5 (see Ref. [14]) Let and be two sets of numbers satisfying one of the following four possibilities:
Then, there exists a pseudo-Jacobi matrix (may not be unique) such that and .
Theorem 1 Let and be two sets of given numbers satisfying one of the four possibilities in (22). Then for arbitrary , there exists a generalized positive pseudo-Jacobi matrix such that and .
Proof Let and be two sets of numbers satisfying one of the four possibilities in (22). Then by Lemma 5, there exists a positive pseudo-Jacobi matrix such that
Now for arbitrary , there exists a generalized positive pseudo-Jacobi matrix such that ,where . This implies that the eigenvalues of matrices and are the same. Thus, and .
The proof is finished.
It is easy to see that if in the matrix , then the generalized positive pseudo-Jacobi matrix will reduce to the positive pseudo-Jacobi matrix . We now state a theorem on the inverse eigenvalue problem for a generalized pseudo-Jacobi matrix, which can be seen as an extension of Theorem 1.
Theorem 2 Let and be two sets of numbers satisfying one of the four possibilities in (22).
Let be an "almost" diagonal matrix in which for , and . Then for arbitrary , there exists a generalized pseudo-Jacobi matrix such that
Proof First, from Theorem 1, we know that there exists a generalized positive pseudo-Jacobi matrix such that and .
Now, for each there exists a nontrivial such that .
Let us set , and . Then we have
If we let , and left multiplying both sides of the equation ( by we obtain
Now by setting , we arrive at . Therefore,
It is clear , and is a generalized pseudo-Jacobi matrix. Similarly, for each , the same argument also applies. This means that and . Thus, we can conclude that
On the other hand, it is easy to get
by reversing the above steps.
The proof is finished following (24) and (25).
Corollary 1 The statement of Theorem 2 still holds true, when and are replaced by and , respectively.
Corollary 2 The statement of Theorem 2 still holds true, when the condition is replaced by for .
3 Main Result and Proof
We now state our result on the inverse problem of SLPs with non-self-adjoint boundary conditions containing the spectral parameters (2), (3).
Theorem 3 Let , , , be priori given numbers and satisfy the conditions and . Let and be two sets of numbers satisfying one of the four possibilities in (22). Let . Then we have that for any , any partition (4) on , and any () satisfying (7):
(a) There exist () satisfying (5) and (6) such that the associated equivalent family of the problem (2), (3) has
(b) There exist ()satisfying (5) and (6) such that the associated equivalent family of the problem (2), (3) has
Proof Here, we only prove (a), since (b) can be proved similarly. Firstly, for a given partition (4) of , we define
By (7), we know . Since , from Theorem 2, we have that there exists a generalized pseudo-Jacobi matrix , which takes the form of (21) and satisfies conditions and such that and .
Then we let
and define the corresponding matrices and by (10), (11), (13) and (14), respectively. It is clear that and +. It is still worth noting that by (12) and (15). Therefore, we can arrive at
By Lemmas 2 and 3 we now have that for (9), (3),
Lastly, we observe that the choice of and is unique, and all ()by this choice form an equivalent family of SLPs. Then, the proof is completed.
4 Numerical Algorithm and Examples
The following algorithm will be given to solve the inverse SLPs with non-self-adjoint boundary conditions containing the spectral parameters (9), and (3), and we will provide examples to test the algorithm.
Algorithm 1
Step 1 Input and .
Step 2 Construct the matrix by the proof
of Theorem 5 in Ref. [14].
Step 3 Set , and . Compute .
Step 4 Set . Compute .
Step 5 Obtain and by Theorem 3 .
Example 1 Given two sets of real numbers satisfying the second condition of (22): =10.644 8, =7.675 2, =6.890 3, =5.002 9, =3.956 6, =20.279 6; =7.677 69, =6.911 0, , , . Let , , , , , , , . Let the interval and a fixed partition of this interval are given: 1 < 0 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 6 < 8 < 9. Define a piecewise constant function on by
Then, by Algorithm 1, it can be concluded that the reconstructed SLPs (9), (3) are:
where and are piecewise constant functions defined on , and can be given as
It can be seen that the spectrum of the reconstructed SLPs (9), (3) are:
Example 2 Given two sets of numbers satisfying the fourth condition of property (22): =19.963 7, =12.883 9, , , , =5.309 93.433 1; =19.975 9, =13.875 7, = 4.197 2, , =9.977 3. Let =3, =14, =1, =2, = 26.157 2, = 6.039 3, , . Let the interval be given, and we fix the partition of this interval as: 3 < 2 < 0 < 1 < 2 < 3 < 5 < 6. Define a piecewise constant function on by
Then, by Algorithm 1, it can be concluded that the reconstructed SLPs (9), (3) is:
where and are piecewise constant functions defined on , and can be given as
That is the spectrum of the reconstructed SLPs (9), (3) are:
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