Open Access
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 28, Number 5, October 2023
Page(s) 392 - 398
Published online 10 November 2023

© Wuhan University 2023

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0 Introduction

The research of Weyl type theorem is an important subject in spectral theory. In 1909, Weyl discovered Weyl's theorem when he studied the spectrum of the self-adjoint operator[1]. Then Harte and Lee defined Browder's theorem[2]. Rakočević gave two other variations of Weyl's theorem: a-Weyl's theorem and a-Browder's theorem[3,4]. These generalizations are called Weyl type theorems by scholars. The study on Weyl type theorems can well reflect the structural characteristics of spectrums. Hence the research of Weyl type theorem has attracted much attention and got many good results in resent years[5-7]. In this paper, we mainly study a-Browder's theorem and a-Weyl's theorem for bounded linear operators and operator functions by means of the property of the topological uniform descent.

In this paper, H denotes a complex separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space. Let B(H) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators on H. For an operator TB(H) we shall denote by n(T) the dimension of the kernel N(T), and by d(T) the codimension of the range R(T). We call TB(H) is an upper semi-Fredholm operator if R(T) is closed and n(T)<. We say that T is a lower semi-Fredholm operator when d(T)<. An operator TB(H) is said to be Fredholm if R(T) is closed and both n(T) and d(T) are finite. If TB(H) is an upper (or a lower) semi-Fredholm operator, the index of T, ind(T), is defined to be ind(T)=n(T)-d(T). The ascent of T, asc(T), is the least non-negative integer n such that N(Tn)=N(Tn+1) and the descent, des(T), is the least non-negative integer n such that R(Tn)=R(Tn+1). The operator T is Weyl if it is Fredholm of index zero, and T is said to be Browder if it is Fredholm "of finite ascent and descent". We call T a Drazin invertible operator if asc(T)=des(T)<. Let σ(T) be the spectrum of T. The approximate point spectrum of T is denoted by σa(T). The Weyl spectrum σw(T), the upper semi-Fredholm spectrum σSF+(T), the Browder spectrum σb(T), the Drazin spectrum σD(T), are defined by σw(T)={λC:T-λI is not Weyl}(C denotes the set of complex numbers ), σSF+(T)={λC:T-λI is not upper semi-Fredholm}, σb(T)={λC:T-λI is not Browder}, σD(T)={λC:T-λI is not Drazin invertible}. Let ρ(T)=C\σ(T), ρa(T)=C\σa(T), ρw(T)=C\σw(T), ρSF+(T)=C\σSF+(T), ρb(T)=C\σb(T), ρD(T)=C\σD(T). For a set EC, we write isoE (accE) for the set of isolated (accumulation) points of E, and we denote intE (E) for interior (boundary) points set of E. If λ0=σ(T)ρD(T), then λ0 is a pole of T. TB(H) is called an a-isoloid operator if isoσa(T)σp(T), where σp(T)={λC:n(T-λI)>0}.

T B ( H ) satisfies a-Browder's theorem if

σ a b ( T ) = σ e a ( T )

where σab(T)={λC:T-λI is not upper semi-Fredholm or asc(T-λI)=} and σea(T)={λC:T-λI is not upper semi-Fredholm or ind(T-λI)>0}. Let ρea(T)=C\σea(T) and ρab(T)=C\σab(T). The a-Weyl's theorem holds for T if and only if

σ a ( T ) \ σ e a ( T ) = π 00 a ( T )

where we write π00a(T)={λisoσa(T):0<n(T-λI)<}. It can be shown that a-Weyl's theorem a-Browder's theorem, but the converse is not true. Let TB(l2) be defined by T(x1,x2,x3,)=(0,0,x22,x33,). Then σ(T)=σa(T)=σea(T)=σab(T)={0} and π00a(T)={0}. So T satisfies a-Browder's theorem, but a-Weyl's theorem does not hold for T.

If TB(H) satisfies N(T)n=1R(Tn), then T is called a Sapher operator[8,9]. The Sapher spectrum is σs(T)={λC:T-λI is not Sapher operator}. Goldberg defined σc(T)={λC:R(T-λI) is not closed}[10]. T is called a Kato operator if R(T) is closed and N(T)n=1R(Tn). Therefore, the Kato spectrum is σk(T)=σc(T)σs(T).

Let TB(H), for each nonnegative integer n, T induces a linear transformation from the vector space R(Tn)/R(Tn+1) to R(Tn+1)/R(Tn+2). We denote by kn(T) the dimension of the null space of the induced map and put k(T)=n=0kn(T). If there is a nonnegative integer d for which kn(T)=0 for nd and R(Tn) is closed in the operator range topology of R(Td) for nd, then we say that T has topological uniform descent[11]. If T is upper semi-Fredholm, then T has topological uniform descent. Let ρτ(T)={λC:T-λI has topological uniform descent}, and στ(T)=C\ρτ(T). We will use the following property which is discovered by Grabiner (Ref.[11], Corollary 4.9):

Lemma 1   Let TB(H), λσ(T). If T-λI has topological uniform descent, then λρD(T).

On the basis of analyzing distribution of various spectrums of bounded linear operators, the sufficient and necessary conditions holding a-Browder's theorem and a-Weyl's theorem are established by means of the property of the topological uniform descent. In addition, the new judgements of a-Browder's theorem and a-Weyl's theorem for operator function are discussed.

1 Judgement of A-Browder's Theorem and A-Weyl's Theorem for Bounded Linear Operator

First, we describe a-Browder's theorem by the relation between topological uniform descent and σb(T).

Theorem 1   T B ( H ) satisfies a-Browder's theorem if and only if σb(T)=στ(T)intσea(T)acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}{λC:n(T-λI)=}.

Proof   "". Suppose

λ 0 σ τ ( T ) i n t σ e a ( T ) a c c { λ ρ a b ( T ) : n ( T - λ I ) d ( T - λ I ) } { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) = } .

Then there exists a deleted neighborhood B(λ0;ε) centered on λ0 such that for any μB(λ0;ε), μacc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}. Moreover, for any deleted neighborhood B(λ0), there exists μ0B(λ0) such that μ0ρea(T). Let B(λ0)B(λ0;ε), then we will get that T-μ0I is Browder operator since T satisfies a-Browder's theorem and λ0acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}. It follows that λ0ρ(T)σ(T). Since λ0ρτ(T), n(T-λ0I)<, we know that λ0σb(T) according to Lemma 1.

"". It's clear that

ρ e a ( T ) [ σ τ ( T ) i n t σ e a ( T ) { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) = } ] =

Suppose λ0ρea(T)acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}. According to perturbation theorem of semi-Fredholm operator, there exists ε>0 such that μρa(T) if 0<|μ-λ0|<ε. Then λ0isoσa(T)ρa(T). It follows that λ0ρab(T). If λ0ρea(T) and λ0acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}, then T-λ0I is Browder operator. Therefore, a-Browder's theorem holds for T.

Remark 1   (i) In Theorem 1, suppose TB(H) satisfies a-Browder's theorem, then each part of the decomposition of σb(T) cannot be deleted.

(a) Let TB(l2) be defined by T(x1,x2,x3,)=(0,x1,x22,x33,). Then σea(T)=σab(T)=σb(T)={0}, T satisfies a-Browder's theorem.

But intσea(T)acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}{λC:n(T-λI)=}=. Thus στ(T) cannot be deleted.

(b) Let TB(l2) be defined by T(x1,x2,x3,)=(x2,x3,x4,). We can get that σea(T)=σab(T)=σb(T)={λC:|λ|1}, a-Browder's theorem holds for T. However, σb(T)στ(T)acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}{λC:n(T-λI)=},

which means intσea(T) cannot be deleted.

(c) Let TB(l2) be defined by T(x1,x2,x3,)=(0,x1,x2,). Then σea(T)=σab(T)={λC:|λ|=1}. T satisfies a-Browder's theorem. But σb(T)={λC:|λ|1}στ(T)intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}. Therefore acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)} cannot be deleted.

(d) Let TB(l2) be defined by T(x1,x2,x3,)=(0,x2,x3,). We have σea(T)=σab(T)=σb(T)={1}, which implies a-Browder's theorem holds for T. Since στ(T)intσea(T)acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}=, {λC:n(T-λI)=} cannot be deleted.

(ii) Since σ(T)=σb(T)σ0(T), T satisfies a-Browder's theorem if and only if σ(T)=στ(T)intσea(T)acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}{λC:n(T-λI)=}σ0(T).

(iii) By Theorem 1, if σb(T)=στ(T), then T satisfies a-Browder's theorem. But the converse is not true. Let TB(l2) be defined by T(x1,x2,x3,)=(0,x1,x2,). We can get that a-Browder's theorem holds for T, but στ(T)={λC:|λ|=1}σb(T).

(iv) σb(T)=στ(T)T satisfies a-Browder's theorem and ρτ(T)ρw(T){λisoσw(T):n(T-λI)<}.

In fact, σb(T)=στ(T) yields ρτ(T)=ρb(T)ρw(T){λisoσw(T):n(T-λI)<}.

For the converse, since [ρw(T){λisoσw(T):n(T-λI)<}][intσea(T)acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}{λC:n(T-λI)=}]=, by Theorem 1 we get ρτ(T)ρb(T).

(v) σD(T)=στ(T)T satisfies a-Browder's theorem and ρτ(T)=ρw(T)E, where E is denumerable.

"". It is clear that σb(T)=σD(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}. Then we can get that T satisfies a-Browder's theorem by Theorem 1. Since ρw(T)ρτ(T)=ρD(T)ρw(T)E, we have that ρτ(T)=ρw(T)E. Since Eisoσ(T), it follows that E is denumerable.

"". Suppose that λ0ρτ(T). If λ0ρw(T), then λ0σD(T) by a-Browder's theorem holds for T. If λ0Eσw(T), then there exists a neighborhood B(λ0;ε) centered on λ0 such that B(λ0;ε)ρτ(T)=ρw(T)E. Since E is denumerable, for any B(λ0;δ)B(λ0;ε), there exists μ0B(λ0;δ) such that T-μ0I is Weyl operator. It follows that λ0σ(T) since T satisfies a-Browder's theorem. We can also get λ0σD(T).

By Theorem 1, the following results can be obtained.

Corollary 1   Let TB(H). The following statements are equivalent:

(1) T satisfies a-Browder's theorem;

(2) σb(T)=στ(T)accσea(T)acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}{λC:n(T-λI)=};

(3) σb(T)=στ(T)accσea(T)accσk(T)acc[ρa(T)σ(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=};

(4) σb(T)=στ(T)intσea(T)accσk(T)acc[ρa(T)σ(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=};

(5) σb(T)=στ(T)accσea(T)intσk(T)acc[ρa(T)σ(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}.

Proof   (1)(2). Using Theorem 1, we have σb(T)=στ(T)intσea(T)acc{λρab(T):n(T-λId(T-λI)}{λC:n(T-λI)=}when T satisfies a-Browder's theorem. Since intσea(T)accσea(T), it follows that (2) holds.

(2)(3). Let λ0{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)} and T-λ0I is Kato operator. Then λ0ρa(T)σ(T) (Ref. [12], Lemma 3.4). Therefore {λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}σk(T)[ρa(T)σ(T)]. By (2) we know that (3) holds.

(3)(4). Suppose λ0στ(T)intσea(T)accσk(T)acc[ρa(T)σ(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}. Then there exists a deleted neighborhood B(λ0;ε) centered on λ0 such that for any μB(λ0;ε), μρa(T)σ(T). Since λ0intσea(T), for any B(λ0;δ), there exists μ0B(λ0;δ) such that μ0ρea(T). Let δ<ε, it follows that

μ 0 σ τ ( T ) a c c σ e a ( T ) a c c σ k ( T ) a c c [ ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) ] { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) = } .  

Thus we can get T-μ0I is Browder operator by (3). From the proof of Theorem 1, we have λ0σb(T).

(4)(5). Let λ0στ(T)accσea(T)intσk(T)acc[ρa(T)σ(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}. Then there exists a deleted neighborhood B(λ0;ε) centered on λ0 such that for any μB(λ0;ε), μρa(T)σ(T) and μρea(T). Since λ0intσk(T), we know that for any B(λ0)B(λ0;ε), there exists

μ 0 σ τ ( T ) i n t σ e a ( T ) a c c σ k ( T ) a c c [ ρ a ( T ) σ ( T ) ] { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) = } .  

It follows that T-μ0I is Browder operator. This implies that (5) holds.

(5)(1). It is clear that

ρ e a ( T ) [ σ τ ( T ) a c c σ e a ( T ) i n t σ k ( T ) { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) = } ] = .  

If λ0ρea(T)acc[ρa(T)σ(T)], then λ0isoσa(T)ρa(T), therefore λ0ρab(T). If λ0ρea(T) and λ0acc{λρab(T):n(T-λI)d(T-λI)}, then T-λ0I is Browder operator. We can conclude that T satisfies a-Browder's theorem.

Corollary 2   Let TB(H). The following statements are equivalent:

(1) T satisfies a-Browder's theorem;

(2) σab(T)=στ(T)accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}[isoσa(T)σc(T)];

(3) σb(T)=στ(T)accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}[(ρa(T)isoσa(T))

a c c σ ( T ) ]

Proof   (1)(2). We only need to prove

σ a b ( T ) σ τ ( T ) a c c σ e a ( T ) [ a c c { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) < d ( T - λ I ) } a c c σ k ( T ) ] { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) = } [ i s o σ a ( T ) σ c ( T ) ] .Suppose λ0στ(T)accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}[isoσa(T)σc(T)]. Then there exists a deleted neighborhood B(λ0;ε1) centered on λ0 such that for any μB(λ0;ε1), μρea(T). If λ0acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}, there exists B(λ0;ε2) such that for any μB(λ0;ε2), n(T-μI)>d(T-μI). Let ε=min{ε1,ε2}. It follows that for any μB(λ0;ε), T-μI is Weyl operator. From the a-Browder's theorem holds for T and the proof of Theorem 1, we can get that T-λ0I is Browder operator. If λ0accσk(T), then there exists a deleted neighborhood B(λ0;δ) centered on λ0 such that for any μB(λ0;δ), μρa(T) since T satisfies a-Browder's theorem. Therefore λ0ρa(T)isoσa(T). Moreover, by n(T-λ0I)<0 and λ0ρc(T)=C\σc(T), we know that λ0σab(T).

(2)(3). It is clear that σb(T)=σab(T)[σb(T)ρab(T)]=στ(T)accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}[isoσa(T)σc(T)][σb(T)ρab(T)]. Since isoσa(T)σc(T)isoσ(T)=isoσ(T)σc(T)[isoσ(T)σc(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}][isoσ(T)σc(T){λC:n(T-λI)<}], and isoσ(T)σc(T){λC:n(T-λI)<}στ(T), we can get that isoσa(T)σc(T)[isoσa(T)accσ(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}στ(T). Also, ρab(T)σb(T)[ρa(T)accσ(T)][isoσa(T)accσ(T)]. Then we have

σ b ( T ) σ τ ( T ) a c c σ e a ( T ) [ a c c { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) < d ( T - λ I ) } a c c σ k ( T ) ] { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) = } [ ( ρ a ( T ) i s o σ a ( T ) ) a c c σ ( T ) ] .  

Hence (2)(3) is true.

(3)(1). We know that ρea(T)[στ(T)accσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}]=, and ρea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<n(T-λI)}accσk(T)]=. If λ0ρea(T)[(ρa(T)isoσa(T))accσ(T)], then λ0ρab(T). If λ0ρea(T) and λ0[ρa(T)isoσa(T)]accσ(T), then T-λ0I is Browder operator. Thus T satisfies a-Browder's theorem.

In the following, we will discuss the a-Weyl's theorem for T.

Theorem 2   Let TB(H). The following statements are equivalent:

(1) T satisfies a-Weyl's theorem;

(2) σab(T)=[στ(T)accσa(T)]accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}{λ

σ a ( T ) : n ( T - λ I ) = 0 } ;

(3) σb(T)=[στ(T)accσa(T)]accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}[ρab(T)accσ(T)]{λσa(T):n(T-λI)=0}.

Proof   (1)(2). Since T satisfies a-Weyl's theorem, we know that π00a(T)στ(T)=, π00a(T)σc(T)=. From Corollary 2, we have σab(T)=στ(T)accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}[isoσa(T)σc(T)]. Moreover, στ(T)=[στ(T)accσa(T)][στ(T)isoσa(T)]. Since [στ(T)isoσa(T)]=[στ(T)isoσa(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}][στ(T)isoσa(T){λC:n(T-λI)=0}][στ(T)isoσa(T){λC:0<n(T-λI)<}]{λC:n(T-λI)=}{λσa(T):n(T-λI)=0}[στ(T)π00a(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}{λσa(T):n(T-λI)=0}. We get στ(T)[στ(T)accσa(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}{λσa(T):n(T-λI)=0}.

Also, isoσa(T)σc(T)[isoσa(T)σc(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}][isoσa(T)σc(T){λC:n(T-λI)=0}][isoσa(T)σc(T){λC:0<n(T-λI)<}]{λC:n(T-λI)=}{λσa(T):n(T-λI)=0}[σc(T)π00a(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}{λσa(T):n(T-λI)=0}. Hence σab(T)[στ(T)accσa(T)]accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}{λσa(T):n(T-λI)=0}. Then we know that (2) holds.

(2)(3). Since σb(T)=[σb(T)σab(T)][σb(T)ρab(T)]=σab(T)[σb(T)ρab(T)] and σb(T)ρab(T)=accσ(T)ρab(T), it follows that σb(T)=[στ(T)accσa(T)]accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}[ρab(T)accσ(T)]{λσa(T):n(T-λI)=0}.

(3)(1). [σa(T)\σea(T)][στ(T)accσa(T)]=, [σa(T)\σea(T)][accσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}{λσa(T):n(T-λI)=0}]=, [σa(T)\σea(T)][acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)accσk(T)]=. If λ0σa(T)\σea(T) and λ0ρab(T)accσ(T), then T-λ0I is Browder operator. Moreover, [σa(T)\σea(T)][ρab(T)accσ(T)]π00a(T). Therefore σa(T)\σea(T)π00a(T). Similarly, we can prove that π00a(T)σa(T)\σea(T). So the a-Weyl's theorem holds for T.

Remark 2   (i) By Theorem 2, we can get that if σb(T)=στ(T)accσa(T), then T satisfies a-Weyl's theorem. But the converse is not true. Let TB(l2) be defined by T(x1,x2,x3,)=(x2,x3,x4,). Then T satisfies a-Weyl's theorem, but σb(T)στ(T)accσa(T).

(ii) σb(T)=στ(T)accσa(T)T satisfies a-Weyl's theorem, ρτ(T)π00a(T)=isoσa(T) and σa(T)=σ(T).

In fact, suppose that σb(T)=στ(T)accσa(T). Then ρa(T)ρb(T), so σa(T)=σ(T). Similarly, since isoσa(T)ρb(T) and ρτ(T)ρb(T), we know that ρτ(T)π00a(T)=isoσa(T).

For the converse, let λ0στ(T)accσa(T). If λ0ρa(T), then T-λ0I is invertible. If λ0isoσa(T)=isoσ(T), we can get that T-λ0I is Browder operator by π00a(T)=isoσa(T) and the a-Weyl's theorem holds for T. If λ0ρτ(T), by ρτ(T)π00a(T)=π00(T) we can get T-λ0I is Browder operator.

2 Judgement of A-Browder's Theorem and A-Weyl's Theorem for Operator Function

In the following, we will research the a-Browder's theorem and a-Weyl's theorem for operator function by means of the property of the topological uniform descent.

Theorem 3   Let TB(H). Then for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Browder's theorem if and only if

(1) T satisfies a-Browder's theorem;

(2) If ρSF++(T)={λρSF+(T):ind(T-λI)>0}, then ρτ(T)intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T).

Proof   Suppose p(T) satisfies a-Browder's theorem for any polynomial p. We only need to prove (2) holds. We can assert that if ρSF++(T), then for any λρSF+(T), ind(T-λI)0. In fact, suppose there exists λ1ρSF+(T), ind(T-λ1I)=-m<0 where m is finite or m=+. Let λ2ρSF++(T), ind(T-λ2I)=n>0. We can see that n is finite. If m<+, let p0(T)=(T-λ1I)n(T-λ2I)m. Moreover, let p0(T)=(T-λ1I)(T-λ2I) if m=+. Then 0ρea(p0(T))=ρab(p0(T)). It follows that asc(T-λ2I)<. It is in contradiction to the fact that ind(T-λ2I)>0. Then we will prove that ρτ(T)intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T). If λ0ρτ(T) and λ0intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}, then for any deleted neighborhood B(λ0) centered on λ0, there exists μ0B(λ0) such that μ0ρea(T). Since for any λρSF+(T), ind(T-λI)0, we know that T-μ0I is Weyl operator. By T satisfing a-Browder's theorem, we can get T-μ0I is Browder operator. Thus λ0σ(T)ρ(T). From λ0ρτ(T) and n(T-λ0I)<, we conclude that T-λ0I is Browder operator.

For the converse, if ρSF++(T)=, then for any λρSF+(T), ind(T-λI)0. If ρSF++(T), we can get that ρSF+-(T)={λρSF+(T):ind(T-λI)<0}= since ρSF+-(T)ρτ(T) but ρSF+-(T)[intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}]=. Let μ0ρea(p(T)) and p(T)-μ0I=a(T-λ1I)n1(T-λ2I)n2(T-λtI)nt, where λiλj(ij) and μ0=p(λi), 1it. It follows that T-λiI is upper semi-Fredholm operator and ind(T-λiI)0 for all λi. From T satisfing a-Browder's theorem, we have that asc(T-λiI)<(1it). Hence μ0ρab(p(T)), p(T) satisfies a-Browder's theorem.

By Theorem 3 and the proof procedure, we can get the following results.

Corollary 3   Let TB(H). Then for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Browder's theorem if and only if

(1) T satisfies a-Browder's theorem;

(2) If ρSF++(T), then ρτ(T)accσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T).

Remark 3   (i) Suppose ρτ(T)intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T), then T satisfies a-Browder's theorem and ρSF+-(T)=. This implies that for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Browder's theorem. However, the converse is not true. Let T(x1,x2,x3,)=(0,x1,x2,). The a-Browder's theorem holds for p(T), but ρτ(T)intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T).

ρ τ ( T ) i n t σ e a ( T ) { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) = } ρ b ( T ) for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Browder's theorem, σea(T)=σw(T).

In fact, suppose ρτ(T)intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T). This implies that ρSF+-(T)=. So σea(T)=σw(T).

For the converse, let λ0ρτ(T) and λ0intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}. Then for any deleted neighborhood B(λ0) centered on λ0, there exists μ0B(λ0) such that μ0ρea(T)=ρw(T). Thus T-μ0I is Browder operator. So λ0σ(T)ρ(T). By λ0ρτ(T) and n(T-λ0I)<, we know that T-λ0I is Browder operator.

(ii) ρτ(T)accσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T) for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Browder's theorem, σea(T)=σw(T).

In the following, we will establish sufficient and necessary conditions for operator functions holding a-Weyl's theorem.

Theorem 4   Let TB(H). Then T is a-isoloid and for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Weyl's theorem if and only if:

(1) σb(T)=[στ(T)accσa(T)]accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}[ρab(T)

a c c σ ( T ) ] ;

(2) If ρSF++(T), then ρτ(T)intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T).

Proof   "". First, we will prove that T is a-isoloid. If there exists λ0isoσa(T) and n(T-λ0I)=0, then λ0[στ(T)accσa(T)]accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}. If λ0ρab(T)accσ(T), then λ0ρa(T). It is a contradiction. If λ0ρab(T)accσ(T), then T-λ0I is Browder operator, so λ0ρ(T). It is a contradiction too. Thus T is a-isoloid. From (1) we know that T satisfies a-Browder's theorem. By Theorem 3, we have that for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Browder's theorem. Suppose μ0π00a(p(T)), let p(T)-μ0I=a(T-λ1I)n1(T-λ2I)n2(T-λtI)nt, where λiλj(ij) and μ0=p(λi), 1it. BecauseT is a-isoloid, we get that λiπ00a(T). From (1) and the proof of Theorem 3, we have π00a(T)σa(T)\σea(T). Then λiρab(T), hence μ0ρab(p(T)). Thus for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Weyl's theorem.

"". By Theorem 3 we know (2) holds. Suppose λ0[στ(T)accσa(T)]accσea(T)[acc{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}[ρab(T)accσ(T)]. If λ0accσa(T), then λ0ρab(T). In fact, if λ0isoσa(T), from T is a-isoloid we can get that λ0π00a(T). Hence λ0ρab(T). Since λ0ρab(T)accσ(T), it follows that T-λ0I is Browder operator. If λ0στ(T), from the proof of Theorem 2, we get (1) holds.

Remark 4   (i) By Theorem 2, we can get that if σb(T)=στ(T)accσa(T), then for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Weyl's theorem. But from Remark 2(ii), we know that the converse is not true. However,

σ b ( T ) = σ τ ( T ) a c c σ a ( T ) for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Weyl's theorem, ρτ(T)π00a(T)=isoσa(T) and σa(T)=σ(T).

(ii) Let π0fa(T)={λisoσa(T):n(T-λI)<}. If π0fa(T)ρτ(T)intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T), then for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Weyl's theorem. In fact, if μ0π00a(p(T)), let p(T)-μ0I=a(T-λ1I)n1(T-λ2I)n2(T-λtI)nt, where λiλj(ij) and μ0=p(λi), 1it. Then λiπ0fa(T). Since ρτ(T)intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T), we have λiisoσ(T). By λiρτ(T) we know that T-λiI is Browder operator. Thus p(T)-μ0I is Browder operator. By Remark 3, we can get that p(T) satisfies a-Weyl's theorem for any polynomial p. But the converse is not true. Let T(x1,x2,x3,)=(0,x1,x2,). Then for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Weyl's theorem. However, ρτ(T)intσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T).

π 0 f a ( T ) ρ τ ( T ) a c c σ e a ( T ) { λ C : n ( T - λ I ) = } ρ b ( T ) if and only if for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Weyl's theorem, T is a-isoloid and σea(T)=σw(T).

In fact, if π0fa(T)ρτ(T)accσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T), we only need to prove T is a-isoloid. If λ0isoσa(T) and n(T-λ0I)=0. Then λ0π0fa(T)ρτ(T)accσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T). It follows that T-λ0I is Browder operator. So T-λ0I is invertible. It is in contradiction to the fact that λ0isoσa(T).

For the converse, we only need to prove that π0fa(T)ρτ(T). Since T is a-isoloid, this implies that π0fa(T)=π00a(T). By a-Weyl's theorem holds for T, we get that π0fa(T)ρτ(T).

Corollary 4   Let TB(H). Then T is a-isoloid and for any polynomial p, p(T) satisfies a-Weyl's theorem if and only if:

(1) σb(T)=[στ(T)accσa(T)]accσea(T)[int{λC:n(T-λI)<d(T-λI)}accσk(T)]{λC:n(T-λI)=}[ρab(T)accσ(T)];

(2) ρSF++(T), ρτ(T)accσea(T){λC:n(T-λI)=}ρb(T).


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