Open Access
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 29, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) 563 - 571
Published online 07 January 2025

© Wuhan University 2024

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0 Introduction

In this paper, all graphs are simple and connected. A polyhedron on the surface is called a quadrangulation if each face of the polyhedron is a quadrangle with four distinct vertices. LetΦ be the current group of a current graph. Two digraphs G1 and G2 are said to be isomorphic if there are bijections ω: V(G1)V(G2) and ω¯: A(G1)A(G2), such that if an arbitrary arc δA(G1) is directed from a vertex v to a vertex u, then the arc ω¯(δ) is directed from the vertex ω(v) to the vertex ω(u). Two digraphs G1 and G2 are said to be strong isomorphic if there is an isomorphism (ω,ω¯) of G1 into G2 and an automorphism φ of Φ such that ω¯(δ)=φ(δ) for every arc δ of G1[1].

Embedding theory of graphs has been widely used in very large scale integrated circuits[2], etc. There are many results on the maximum genus orientable embeddings (orientable surface embeddings with one face), for instance, Xuong[3], Liu[2,4,5] and Škoviera[6] studied this problem. The maximum genus orientable embeddings of current graphs are often used to construct the embedding of complete graphs[7]. There have been many results on triangular embeddings of complete graphs, for example, the results of Ref. [1] and Refs. [8-11].

Korzhik[12] generated nonisomorphic quadrangular embeddings of the complete graph K8s+5. Hartsfield and Ringel[13] proved that a complete graph Kn has an orientable quadrangular embedding if n5(mod 8), and these embeddings determine polyhedra with a minimal number of quadrangles. Hartsfield and Ringel[14] proved that a complete graph Kn has a nonorientable quadrangular embedding if n1(mod 4), and these embeddings determine polyhedra with a minimal number of quadrangles. In recent years, Liu et al[15,16] have obtained some new results on quadrangulations. Korzhik[12] constructed (2s)! nonisomorphic oritentable quadrangular embeddings of K8s+5.

In this paper, we first construct the current graph of the complete graph K12s+9, and prove that K12s+9 has at least 62s×3s+32 nonisomorphic orientable quadrangular embeddings by finding the maximum genus embedding of the current graph of K12s+9. Then, by finding the proper 4-edge-colors of the current graph of K12s+9 and constructing a mapping function, we prove that every one of the nonisomorphic orientable quadrangular embeddings has at least twenty-four 4-edge-colors, and each color appears around each face of orientable quadrangular embeddings.

1 Construction of the Current Graph

Let s be an odd number, and let G* be a 4-regular graph with 3s+2 vertices and 6s+4 edges, as shown in Fig. 1.

thumbnail Fig. 1 G * : The current graph of K12s+9

Each arc ofG* has an orientation and a value called its current. G* can be decomposed into two Hamiltonian cycles, H1(G*)and H2(G*) (shown as Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). H1(G*) has current 2,4,6,8,,6s,6s+2,6s+4. H2(G*) has current 6s+3,6s+1,6s-1,6s-3,,5,3,1.

thumbnail Fig. 2 Hamiltonian cycle H1(G*)

thumbnail Fig. 3 Hamiltonian cycle H2(G*)

G * has the following properties:

C1) Each vertex has valence 4.

C2) Each element 1,2,3,,6s+3,6s+4 of Z12s+9 appears exactly once as a current on some arc. Z12s+9 is an cyclic group, the additive group of integers modulo 12s+9.

C3) At each vertex, the sum of the inward flowing currents equals the sum of the outward flowing currents. This property is known as Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL).

2 Maximum Genus Embeddings

A spanning tree T in a graph G is called optimal, if the number of odd components, denoted by ω(T), of G-Tis the smallest among all the spanning trees of G.

Theorem 1[3,5] The maximum genus of a graph G in orientable surfaces is γM(G)=β(G)-ω(T)2, where β(G) is the Betti-number of G(β(G))=|E(G)|-|V(G)|+1) and ω(T) is the number of odd components in an optimal treeT in G.

Theorem 2[2,3] Let T be an optimal tree in a graph G with ω(T) odd components in G-T. Then edges of E(G)-E(T) may be partitioned as follows:

E ( G ) - E ( T ) = i = 1 n { e 2 i - 1 , e 2 i } { f 1 , f 2 , , f k }

e 2 i - 1 e 2 i and {f1,f2,,fk} is a matching of G, n=γM(G), k=ω(T).

Theorem 3[2] Let β(G) be the Betti-number ofG. If β(G)=0(mod 2), then G can be embedded in an orientable surface with one face.

Theorem 4   The current graph G* of K12s+9 (see Fig. 1, s is an odd number) has at least 62s+1×3s+12 orientable surface embeddings with one face, and the orientable maximum genus γM(G*)=3s+32.

Proof   G * has 3s+2 vertices and 6s+4 edges,β(G*)=0 (mod 2). By Theorem 3, G* can be embedded in an orientable surface with one face. As shown in Fig. 4, G* has an optimal tree T(G*). By Theorem 2, E(G*)-E(T(G*)) may be partitioned as follows: E(G*)-E(T(G*))=i=13s+32{e2i-1,e2i}, e2i-1e2i=, and 3s+32=γM(G*).

thumbnail Fig. 4 T ( G * ) : Optimal tree of G*

T ( G * ) has s vertices of valence 4 and 2s+2 vertices of valence 1. A vertex of valence 4 can have one of the six different rotations. Every rotation scheme determines a planar embedding of T(G*) with a single region (face) whose boundary is W0. Therefore, T(G*) has 6s orientable surface embeddings with one face.

As shown in Fig. 5, e1=(v1,p), e2=(v1,us). Consider the vertex v1e1e2 and fix it at a copy of v1 on W0. We choose a copy of p and us on W0, respectively. Note that there are dG0(v1),dG0(p) and dG0(us) ways of doing so, where G0=T(G*). Then, we find a new facial walk W1, which contains W0 and the edges e1, e2.

thumbnail Fig. 5 T ( G * ) + { e 1 , e 2 }

We choose the labeling of p and us so that, in W0, the selected copies of vertices v1,p, and us occur in the order of v1,p,us. Between the two consecutive edges at the current rotation atv1,W0 goes e,v1,e'. We extend the rotation W0 at v1 from ,e,e',to,e,e1,,e2,e',. Likewise, we insert the edge (v1,p) between the consecutive (at that copy of p) edges and the same for (v1,us) at us. Now we obtain G1=G0+{e1,e2} to have its orientable surface embeddings with one face on the torus, with a single region (face) bounded by edges of W1. It is clear that there are at least dG0(v1)dG0(p)dG0(us)=1×1×1=1 ways to constructW1.

As shown in Fig. 6,e3=(v2,v1),e4=(v2,us-1). Consider the vertex v2e3e4 and fix it at a copy of v2 on W1. Then choose a copy of v1 and us-1 on W1, respectively. Note that there are dG1(v2),dG1(v1) and dG1(us-1) ways of doing so, where G1=T(G*)+{e1,e2}. Then we find a new facial walk W2, which contains W1 and the edges e3,e4.

thumbnail Fig. 6 T ( G * ) + { e 1 , e 2 } + { e 3 , e 4 }

We choose the labeling of v1 and us-1 so that, in W1, the selected copies of vertices v2,v1, and us-1 occur in the order ofv2,v1,us-1. Between the two consecutive edges at the current rotation at v2, W1 goes e,v2,e'. We extend the rotation W1 at v2 from ,e,e', to ,e,e3,,e4,e',. Likewise, we insert the edge (v2,v1) between the consecutive (at that copy ofv1) edges and the same for (v2,us-1) at us-1, as shown in Fig.7. Now we obtain G2=G1+{e3,e4} to have its orientable surface embeddings with one face on S2, with a single region (face) bounded by edges of W2. It is clear that there are at least dG1(v2)dG1(v1)dG1(us-1)=1×3×1=3 ways to construct W2.

thumbnail Fig. 7 T ( G * ) + { e 1 , e 2 } + + { e 2 s + 1 , e 2 s + 2 }

Repeat the above procedure for i=3,4,,3s+12, we add all {e2i-1,e2i}. We can obtain G3s+12=G2+{e5,e6}++{e3s,e3s+1} to have its orientable surface embeddings with one face on S3s+12, with a single region (face) bounded by edges of W3s+12, as shown in Fig.8.

thumbnail Fig. 8 T ( G * ) + { e 1 , e 2 } + + { e 3 s , e 3 s + 1 }

As shown in Fig. 9, e3s+2=(p,us), e3s+3=(p,q). Consider the vertex pe3s+2e3s+3 and fix it at a copy of p on W3s+12. Then choose a copy of us and q on W3s+12, respectively. Note that there are dG3s+12(p),dG3s+12(us) and dG3s+12(q) ways of doing so, where G3s+32=G3s+12+{e3s+2,e3s+3}. Then we find a new facial walk W3s+32 , which contains W3s+12 and the edges e3s+2,e3s+3.

thumbnail Fig. 9 Underlying graph of the current graph of K12s+9

We choose the labeling ofus and q so that, inW3s+12, the selected copies of vertices p,us andq occur in the order ofp,us,q. Between the two consecutive edges at the current rotation at p,W3s+12 goes e,p,e'. We extend the rotation W3s+12 at p from ,e,e',to,e,e3s+2,,e3s+3,e',. Likewise, we insert the edge (p,us) between the consecutive (at that copy of us) edges and the same for (p,q) at q. Now we obtain G3s+32=G3s+12+{e3s+2,e3s+3} to have its orientable surface embeddings with one face on S3s+32, with a single region (face) bounded by edges of W3s+32. It is clear that there are at least dG3s+12(p)dG3s+12(us)dG3s+12(q)=2×3×3=18 ways to construct W3s+32.

From all the steps above, the current graph G* of K12s+9 has at least 6s×3s×2s-12×2s+12×3s+12×2×3=62s+1×3s+12 orientable surface embeddings with one face. The orientable maximum genus γM(G*)=3s+32.

3 Quadrangular Embeddings

Rule Q*: If in row i has: j, k, and in rowk has: i,l; then in row l has: k, j, and in rowj has:l, i.

Theorem 5   If the rotation scheme of the complete graph Kn satisfies the Rule Q*, then it is an orientable quadrangular embedding, and the orientable genus is n(n-5)8+1.

Proof   We can demonstrate this using Fig. 10. Given the part i.j, k of the rotation scheme, this means, in the rotation of the vertex i, the arc joiningi andk follows the arc joining i and j (the first part of Fig. 10), and the part k.i,l of the rotation scheme, this means, in the rotation of the vertex k, the arc joining k andl follows the arc joining k and i (the second part of Fig. 10). Using Rule Q*, one gets the part l.k, j of the rotation scheme, this means in the rotation of the vertexl, the arc joiningl and j follows the arc joiningl and k (the third part of Fig. 10), and the part j.l, i of the rotation scheme, this means, in the rotation of the vertexj ,the arc joiningj andi follows the arc joining j and l (the fourth part of Fig. 10). When Rule Q* is used, the circuit is closed (the fifth part of Fig. 10).

thumbnail Fig. 10 The construction of quadrangle

Each circuit (face) determined by this rotation scheme is quadrilateral, and the order of each vertex's rotation of the circuit (face) is the same. By Mohar and Thomassen, see P92-93 of Ref.[17], this rotation scheme is an orientable quadrangular embedding.

If G is embedded into an orientable surfaceS, by Euler's formula: |V(G)|-|E(G)|+|F(G)|=2-2p,p is the orientable genus of surface S. Therefore, n-n(n-1)2+n(n-1)4=2-2p,p=n(n-5)8+1.

The orientable genus n(n-5)8+1 is a natural number, then n0 or 5(mod 8). Therefore, we have

Corollary 1[15] If there exists a quadrangular rotation of the complete graph Kn, then n0 or 5(mod 8).

Theorem 6   Let G* (see Fig. 1, s is an odd number) be the current graph of the complete graph K12s+9, for every one of the orientable surface embeddings with one face of G*, there exists a quadrangular embedding of K12s+9 into an orientable surface, and the orientable genus is (12s+9)(12s+4)8+1.

Proof   From Chapter 2 and 4 of Ref. [7], we know that for each σΠ (Π is a set of rotation systems), the pair (f*,σ) determines an embedding of K12s+9 (f* is the current assignment of G*). Here, we first find the set Π of rotation systems of K12s+9.

We use the current graph G* to construct quadrangular rotations of K12s+9 in the following way. Consider the circuit induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*. Record the currents sequentially as they occur in the circuit, but if the direction of the circuit is opposite to the direction of the considered arc, record it with a minus sign and take this as row 0 of the rotation scheme of K12s+9. Applying Additive Rule[7], from the row 0, we can obtain all rows of the rotation scheme for K12s+9, in which the rowi is the rotation of the vertex i (i=0,1,2,,12s+8) of K12s+9.

A vertex of valence 4 can have one of the six different rotations. Assume that in the rotation scheme, one finds i.j,k. The Additive Rule[7] says that0.j-i,k-i appears in row 0. j-i and k-i are the currents on the arc of G*, the two arcs incident to the same vertex of G* (Fig. 11(a)). The valence of each vertex of G* is 4, therefore, there are six cases. The local picture of the current graph is shown in Fig. 11(a).

thumbnail Fig. 11 The local picture of the current graph of Case 1

Here, all the operations are modulo 12s+9. -x12s+9-x (mod 12s+9), -y12s+9-y (mod 12s+9). i,j,k{1,2,3,,12s+8}, and ij,jk,ik.

Case 1 As shown in Fig. 11(a), j-i andk-i are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*.

Case 1.1 See Fig. 11(a) and Fig. 11(b), j-i andk-i are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*, i.e.,j-i,k-i appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; i-k and x are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*, i.e.,i-k, x appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme;-x and -y are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,-x, -y appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; y and i-j are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,y,i-j appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme.

Let l=k+x (ifx+k>12s+9, let l=k+x-(12s+9)). Because x{1,2,3,,12s+8}, then lk. Becausex=l-k, i-k are the currents of G*, andxi-k, then li.

According to the Kirchhoff's Current Law (property C3),j-i+i-k=l-k+(-y) and consequently y=l-j. y is the current of G* and y{1,2,3,,12s+8}. Hence l{1,2,3,,12s+8} andlj.

j - i , k - i appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme. By Additive Rule[7], we get row i as follows:i.j,k.

i - k , l - k appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme. By Additive Rule[7], we get row k as follows: k.i,l.

k - l , j - l appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme. By Additive Rule[7], we get rowl as follows:l.k,j.

l - j , i - j . appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme. By Additive Rule[7], we get row j as follows: j.l,i.

Therefore, Rule Q* holds. By Theorem 5, we really have constructed an orientable quadrangular rotation of K12s+9.

Case 1.2 See Fig. 11(a) and Fig. 11(c), j-i andk-i are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,j-i, k-i appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; i-k and -y are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,i-k,-y appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme;y and x are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,y, x appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; -x and i-j are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e., -x, i-j appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme.

Let l=k+(-y) (if k+(-y)>12s+9, let l=k+(-y)-(12s+9)). Because -y{1,2,3,,12s+8}, we have lk. Because -y=l-k and i-k are the currents of G*, and -yi-k, we have li.

According to the Kirchhoff's Current Law (property C3), we have j-i+i-k=l-k+x and consequently x=j-l. x is the current ofG, and x{1,2,3,,12s+8}. Hence l{1,2,3,,12s+8} and lj.

j - i ,   k - i appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme. By Additive Rule[7], we get row i as follows:i.j,k.

i - k , l - k appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme. By Additive Rule[7], we get row k as follows: k.i, l.

k - l ,   j - l appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme. By Additive Rule[7], we get row l as follows: l.k,j.

l - j ,   i - j appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme. By Additive Rule[7], we get row j as follows: j.l,i.

Therefore, Rule Q* holds. By Theorem 5, we really have constructed an orientable quadrangular rotation of K12s+9.

Case 2 As shown in Fig. 12(a), j-i and k-i are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face ofG*.

thumbnail Fig.12 The local picture of the current graph of Case 2

Case 2.1 As shown in Fig. 12(a) and Fig. 12(b),j-i and k-i are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,j-i,k-i appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; i-k andx are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,i-k,x appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; -x and -y are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,-x, -y appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; y and i-j are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,y, i-j appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme.

Let l=k+x (if x+k>12s+9, let l=k+x-(12s+9)). Because x{1,2,3,,12s+8}, we have lk. Because x=l-k and i-k are the currents of G*, and xi-k, we have li.

According to the Kirchhoff's Current Law (property C3), j-i+i-k=l-k+(-y) and consequently y=l-j. y is the current of G*, and y{1,2,3,,12s+8}. Hence l{1,2,3,,12s+8} and lj.

Similar to the Case 1.1, Rule Q* holds. By Theorem 5, we really have constructed an orientable quadrangular rotation of K12s+9.

Case 2.2 As shown in Fig. 12(a) and Fig. 12(c), j-i andk-i are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,j-i, k-i appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; i-k and -y are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,i-k, -y appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; y and x are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,y, x appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; -x and i-j are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*, i.e.,-x, i-j appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme.

Let l=k+(-y) (if k+(-y)>12s+9, let l=k+(-y)-(12s+9)). Because -y{1,2,3,,12s+8}, then lk. Because -y=l-k and i-k are the currents of G*, and -yi-k, then li.

According to the Kirchhoff's Current Law (property C3),j-i+i-k=l-k+x and consequentlyx=j-l. x is the current of G* andx{1,2,3,,12s+8}. Hence l{1,2,3,,12s+8} and lj.

Similar to the Case 1.2, Rule Q* holds. By Theorem 5, we really have constructed an orientable quadrangular rotation of K12s+9.

Case 3 As shown in Fig. 13(a),j-i and k-i are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*.

thumbnail Fig. 13 The local picture of the current graph of Case 3

Case 3.1 As shown in Fig. 13(a) and Fig. 13(b), j-i and k-i are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,j-i, k-i appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; i-k andx are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,i-k, x appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; -xand-y are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*, i.e.,-x,-y appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme;y andi-j are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,y, i-j appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme.

Let l=k+x (if x+k>12s+9, let l=k+x-(12s+9)). Because x{1,2,3,,12s+8}, thenlk. Because x=l-k andi-k are the currents of G*, and x=i-k, then li.

According to the Kirchhoff's Current Law (property C3),j-i+i-k=l-k+(-y) and consequentlyy=l-j.y is the current ofG, and y{1,2,3,,12s+8}. Hence l{1,2,3,,12s+8}, and lj.

Similar to the Case 1.1, Rule Q* holds. By Theorem 5, we really have constructed an orientable quadrangular rotation of K12s+9.

Case 3.2 As shown in Fig. 13(a) and Fig. 13(c),j-i and k-i are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,j-i, k-i appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; i-k and -y are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,i-k, -y appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; y and x are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,y, x appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme; -x and i-j are consecutive currents of the circuit which is induced by the rotation of the orientable surface embedding with one face of G*,i.e.,-x, i-j appear in the row 0 of the rotation scheme.

Let l=k+(-y) (if k+(-y)>12s+9, let l=k+(-y)-(12s+9)). Because -y{1,2,3,,12s+8}, then lk. Because -y=l-k and i-k are the currents of G*, and -yi-k, then li.

According to the Kirchhoff's Current Law (property C3), j-i+i-k=l-k+x and consequently x=j-l. x is the current of G*, and x{1,2,3,,12s+8}. Hence l{1,2,3,,12s+8} and lj.

Similar to the Case 1.2, Rule Q* holds. By Theorem 5, we really have constructed an orientable quadrangular rotation of K12s+9.

By Theorem 5, we obtain the orientable genus is (12s+9)(12s+4)8+1.

Theorem 7[1] Suppose that the group of strong automorphisms of a digraph G consists of M elements. Suppose that there exist N different one-rotations P of G. Then among these N different current graphs <G,P> there are at leastN/2M current graphs generating nonisomorphic embeddings of Kn+1.

Theorem 8   The complete graph K12s+9 (s is an odd number) has at least 62s×3s+32 nonisomorphic orientable quadrangular embeddings, and the orientable genus is (12s+9)(12s+4)8+1.

Proof   By Theorem 4, the current graph of K12s+9 has at least 62s+1×3s+12 orientable surface embeddings with one face. By Theorem 6, every one of orientable surface embeddings with one face of the current graph of K12s+9, there exists a quadrangular embedding of K12s+9 into an orientable surface, and the orientable genus p=(12s+9)(12s+4)8+1. Therefore, the complete graph K12s+9 has at least 62s+1×3s+12 orientable quadrangular embeddings, and the orientable genus is (12s+9)(12s+4)8+1.

If the current graph of K12s+9 has nontrivial strong automorphism (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 9), then, ω(e3s+3)=e3s+3, and ω¯(1)=1; or,ω(e3s+3)=e3s+3, and ω¯(1)=-1. If ω(e3s+3)=e3s+3, and ω¯(1)=1, then, ω(e2s+2)=e2s+1, ω¯(2s+4)=2s+4-3(mod 12s+9). If ω(e3s+3)=e3s+3, and ω¯(1)=-1, then, ω(e2s+2)=e3s+2, ω¯(2s+4)=-(2s+4)6s+3 (mod 12s+9). If ω(e3s+3)=e3s+3 and ω¯(1)=-1, then, ω(e2s+2)=e1, ω¯(2s+4)=-(2s+4)-(6s+4) (mod 12s+9). Therefore, the current graph of K12s+9 has no nontrivial strong automorphism.

From the above results and Theorem 7, we get the proof of Theorem 8.

4 The Edge-Colorings

Theorem 9   G * has at least twenty-four proper 4-edge-colors.

Proof   G * can be decomposed into two Hamiltonian cycles, H1(G*) and H2(G*). c1,c2,c3 and c4 are the four colors. From the four colors, choose two colors to color the edges of H1(G*), and two proper 2-edge-color ofH1(G*) can be obtained. We color the edges of H2(G*) with the remaining two colors, and get two proper 2-edge-colors of H2(G*). Therefore,G* has at least C42×2×2=4×32×2×2=24 proper 4-edge-colors.

Theorem 10   The complete graph K12s+9 (s is an odd number) has at least 62s×3s+32 nonisomorphic orientable quadrangular embeddings, and the orientable genus is (12s+9)(12s+4)8+1. Every one of the nonisomorphic orientable quadrangular embeddings has at least twenty-four 4-edge-colors, and each color appears around each face of orientable quadrangular embeddings.

Proof   G * is a current graph of the complete graph K12s+9, the valency of each vertex of G* is 4. Applying Theorem 8, K12s+9 has at least 62s×3s+32 nonisomorphic orientable quadrangular embeddings, and the orientable genus is (12s+9)(12s+4)8+1. Applying Theorem 6, each face of orientable quadrangular embeddings of K12s+9 corresponds to a vertex of G*. Let P(ijkl) be a face of quadrangular embeddings of K12s+9; i,j,k, and l are vertices ofP(ijkl); e is an edge of P(ijkl); i and j are endpoints of e;e* is an edge of the current graphG* of K12s+9, ande* has the current j-i;P(ijkl) corresponds to an endpoint of e*. If c*: E(G*)S is a proper 4-edge-color of the current graph G*=(V(G*),E(G*)). Then, c(e)=c*(e*) is a 4-edge-color of the quadrangular embeddings of K12s+9 into an orientable surface, and each color appears around each face of orientable quadrangular embeddings. By Theorem 9, every one of the nonisomorphic orientable quadrangular embeddings of K12s+9 has at least twenty-four 4-edge-colors, and each color appears around each face of orientable quadrangular embeddings.


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All Figures

thumbnail Fig. 1 G * : The current graph of K12s+9
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 2 Hamiltonian cycle H1(G*)
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 3 Hamiltonian cycle H2(G*)
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 4 T ( G * ) : Optimal tree of G*
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 5 T ( G * ) + { e 1 , e 2 }
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 6 T ( G * ) + { e 1 , e 2 } + { e 3 , e 4 }
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 7 T ( G * ) + { e 1 , e 2 } + + { e 2 s + 1 , e 2 s + 2 }
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 8 T ( G * ) + { e 1 , e 2 } + + { e 3 s , e 3 s + 1 }
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 9 Underlying graph of the current graph of K12s+9
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 10 The construction of quadrangle
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 11 The local picture of the current graph of Case 1
In the text
thumbnail Fig.12 The local picture of the current graph of Case 2
In the text
thumbnail Fig. 13 The local picture of the current graph of Case 3
In the text

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