Open Access
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 27, Number 4, August 2022
Page(s) 303 - 312
Published online 26 September 2022

© Wuhan University 2022

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0 Introduction

Digraphs are important topological models in complex networks and the homology groups of digraphs can reveal the topological and geometric characteristics of complex networks. Among many approaches for constructing (co) homology of digraphs[1, 2], a natural and important homology theory on digraphs is path homology introduced by Grigor'yan et al, which theory has been systematically developed with fruitful results[3-9]. In this paper, we consider the discrete Morse theory based on the path homology of digraphs.

Let G=(V(G),E(G)) be a digraph where V(G) is the vertex set of G and E(G) is the directed edge set of G. For any directed edge (u,v)E(G), it can be denoted as uv. G is called transitive, if uv and vw are two directed edges of G, then uw is a directed edge of G. The smallest transitive digraph containing G is called the transitive closure of G, denoted as G¯.

Let R be a commutative ring with unit. An elementary n-path is a sequence v0v1vn of n+1 vertices in V(G), n0. Let Λn(V(G)) be the R-module consisting of all the formal linear combinations of the n-paths on V(G). The boundary map

n :   Λ n ( V ( G ) ) Λ n - 1 ( V ( G ) )

is defined as

n ( v 0 v 1 v n ) = i = 0 n ( - 1 ) i d i ( v 0 v 1 v n )

where di is the i-th face map

d i :   Λ n ( V ( G ) ) Λ n - 1 ( V ( G ) )

such that

d i ( v 0 v 1 v n ) = v 0 v 1 v ̂ i v n .

Here v̂i means omission of the vertex vi. Then nn+1=0 for each n0. Hence,{Λn(V(G)),n}n0 is a chain complex, simply denoted as Λ(V(G)) if there is no ambiguity.

An allowed elementary n-path is an elementary n-path v0vivi+1vn such that vivi+1 and vivi+1 is a directed edge of G for each 0in-1. Let Pn(G) be the free R-module consisting of all the formal linear combinations of allowed elementary n-paths on G. Then Pn(G) is a submodule of Λn(V(G)). However, in general, {Pn(G),n}n0 is not a subchain complex of Λ(V(G)). Consider the sub-R-module

Ω n ( G ) = { x P n ( G ) | x P n - 1 ( G ) }

of Pn(G). Then nΩn(G)Ωn-1(G). The path homology groups of G are defined as the homology groups of chain complex {Ωn(G),n}, denoted as H*(G;R).

In topological data analysis, we are concerned with the calculation and simplification of homology groups. Morse theory is just an important tool to simplify the calculation of homology groups. In 1998, Forman[10] extended Morse theory on smooth manifolds to cell complexes and simplicial complexes. And based on this study, Forman studied discrete Morse theory, cohomology card product, Witten Morse theory and other related problems[11-13]. From 2007 to 2009, Ayala et al[14-17] studied the discrete Morse theory on graphs by using the discrete Morse theory of cell complexes and simplicial complexes given by Forman. Inspired by these, we studied the discrete Morse theory on digraphs[18-20].

In this paper, we study the discrete Morse theory on join of digraphs, hoping to give the discrete Morse theory of join by requiring the two factors constituting the connection to meet certain conditions, rather than directly limiting the join.

Let G1 and G2 be two digraphs where G1=(V(G1),E(G1)) and G2=(V(G2),E(G2)). Suppose V(G1) and V(G2) are disjoint. Then E(G1) and E(G2) are disjoint as well. The join of G1 and G2 is a digraph G=G1*G2 such that

the set of vertices of the digraph G is V(G1)V(G2);

the set of directed edges of the digraph G is E(G1)E(G2){(u,v)|uV(G1),vV(G2)}.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1, we review the definition and some properties of discrete Morse functions on digraphs. In Section 2, we give some auxiliary results for main theorems in Lemma 5 and Lemma 8. Finally, in Section 3, we prove the main theorems of this paper.

Let G be a digraph and f:V(G)[0,+) a discrete Morse function on G as defined in Definition 1. Define an R-linear map gradf: Pn(G)Pn+1(G) such that for any allowed elementary n-path α on G,

( g r a d f ) ( α ) = - < γ , α > γ

where γ>α and f(γ)=f(α). Otherwise, (gradf)(α)=0[10]. We call gradf the (algebraic) discrete gradient vector field of f on G, denoted as Vf , abbreviated as V. The discrete gradient flow is defined as

Φ = I d + V + V

Here Id is the identity map from Pn(G) to Pn(G).Correspondingly, the discrete Morse function, the (algebraic) discrete gradient vector field and the discrete gradient flow of a transitive digraph are denoted as f¯, V¯ and Φ¯, respectively.

The main theorems of this paper are as follows.

Theorem 1   Let G=G1*G2 and f1,f2 discrete Morse functions on G1 and G2 , respectively. Let f  be the discrete Morse function on G determined by f1 and f2. Suppose Ω(Gi) is V¯i-invariant, i=1,2. Then

H m ( G ; R ) H m ( Ω * ( G ) P * Φ ¯ ( G ¯ ) ) , m 0

where {P*Φ¯(G¯),*} is the subchain complex of {P*(G¯),*} consisting of all Φ¯-invariant chains.

Denote Critn(G) as the free R-module consisting of all the formal linear combinations of critical n-paths on G. We have that

Theorem 2   Let G=G1*G2. Let f1 be a function on G1 such that f1(v)>0 for each vertex vV(G1) and f2 a discrete Morse function on G2 with a unique zero-point. Let f be the discrete Morse function on G determined by f1 and f2. Suppose Ω(Gi) is V¯i-invariant, Φ¯i(αi)Ω(Gi) for any αiCrit(G¯i)Pn(G) and Crit(G¯2)P(G2)=Crit(G¯2)Ω(G2), i=1,2. Then

H m ( { C r i t n ( G ¯ ) P n ( G ) , ˜ n } n 0 ) H m ( G ; R )

where ˜=(Φ¯)-1Φ¯ and Φ¯ is stabilization map of Φ¯.

1 Preliminaries

In this section, we mainly review the definition and properties of discrete Morse functions on digraphs.

For any allowed elementary paths α and β, if β can be obtained from α by removing some vertices, then we write α>β or β<α.

Definition 1[20] A map f: V(G)[0,+) is called a discrete Morse function on G, if for any allowed elementary path α=v0v1vn on G, both of the followings hold:

(i) #{γ(n+1)>α(n)|f(γ)=f(α)}1 ;

(ii) #{β(n-1)<α(n)|f(β)=f(α)}1


f ( α ) = f ( v 0 v 1 v n ) = i = 0 n f ( v i )

For an allowed elementary path α, if in both (i) and (ii), the inequalities hold strictly, then α is called critical. Precisely,

Definition 2   An allowed elementary n-path α(n) is called critical, if both of the followings hold:



It follows from Definition 2 that an allowed elementary p-path is not critical if and only if either of the following conditions holds

(i) there exists β(n-1)<α(n) such that f(β)=f(α);

(ii) there exists γ(n+1)>α(n) such that f(γ)=f(α).

A directed loop on G is an allowed elementary path v0v1vnv0, n1.

Lemma 1[18 , Lemma 2.4] Let G be a digraph and f a discrete Morse function on G. Let α=v0v1vnv0 be a directed loop. Then for each 0in, f(vi)>0.

Lemma 2[18 , Lemma 2.5] Let G be a digraph and f a discrete Morse function on G as defined in Definition 1. Then for any allowed elementary path on G, there exists at most one index such that the value of the corresponding vertex is zero.

Lemma 3[19 , Lemma 2.5] Let f be a discrete Morse function on digraph G. Then for any allowed elementary path α=v0v1vn in G, (i) and (ii) can not both be true.

2 Auxiliary Results for Main Theorems

Let G1 and G2 be two digraphs. Suppose V(G1) and V(G2) are disjoint. Then E(G1) and E(G2) are disjoint as well. The join of G1 and G2 is a digraph G=G1*G2 such that

  the set of vertices of the digraph G is V(G1)V(G2);

the set of directed edges of the digraph G is

E ( G 1 ) E ( G 2 ) { ( u , v ) | u V ( G 1 ) , v V ( G 2 ) }

2.1 Discrete Morse Functions on the Join of Digraphs

In this subsection, we will give a necessary and sufficient condition that the function on the join determined by the discrete Morse functions on factors is a discrete Morse function.

Firstly, we prove that discrete Morse functions on the join of digraphs have the following important property.

Lemma 4   Let f be a discrete Morse function on G=G1*G2. Then there exists at most one zero-point of f on G.

Proof   Suppose to the contrary, there are two distinct vertices v',vV(G) such that f(v')=f(v)=0. Then by the definition of join of digraphs, there are three cases to be considered.

Case 1 Both of v',v are in V(G1). Then for any allowed elementary path α=v0vt on G2, we have that

α ' = v ' v 0 v t


α = v v 0 v t

are two distinct allowed elementary (p+1)-paths on G such that f(α')=f(α)=f(α). This contradicts that f is a discrete Morse function on G.

Case 2 Both of v',v are in V(G2). Similar to Case 1, for any allowed elementary path α=v0vs on G1,

α ' = v 0 v t v '


α = v 0 v s v

are two distinct allowed elementary (p+1)-paths on G such that f(α')=f(α)=f(α) which contradicts that f is a discrete Morse function on G.

Case 3 v ' V ( G 1 ) and vV(G2). Then f(v'v)=f(v')=f(v) . This also contradicts that f is a discrete Morse function on G.

Combining Case 1, Case 2 and Case 3, the lemma is proved.

Secondly, define a function f

f ( v ) = { f 1 ( v ) , v V 1 f 2 ( v ) , v V 2 (1)

on G=G1*G2, where f1 and f2 are functions on G1 and G2, respectively. Then by Lemma 4 and (1), we have that

Lemma 5   f is a discrete Morse function on G=G1*G2 if and only if there exist discrete Morse functions f1 on G1 and f2 on G2 respectively such that f=f1*f2 and one of f1 and f2 is positive while the other one has at most one zero-point.

Proof   () Let f1=f|G1 and f2=f|G2 . Then by (1), f=f1*f2 and by Definition 1, f1, f2 are discrete Morse functions on G1 and G2, respectively. Moreover, by Lemma 4, one of f1 and f2 is positive and the other one has at most one zero-point.

( ) Without loss of generality, f1 is a positive function on G1 and f2 is nonnegative on G2. Let α be an arbitrary allowed elementary n-path on G. Then by Ref.[3, Proposition 6.4],

α = α 1 * α 2

where α1=v0vsP(G1), α2=w0wtP(G2), s+t+1=n. Consider the following cases:

Case 1 t 0 . Suppose β1 and β2 are two allowed elementary paths on G such that β1<α, β2<α and f(β1)=f(β2)=f(α). Since f1(v)>0 for each vV(G1), it follows that f1(vi)>0 for 0is.Then there are two indices 0jkt such that f2(wj)=f2(wk)=0. This contradicts Lemma 2. Therefore,

# { β ( n - 1 ) < α ( n ) | f ( β ) = f ( α ) } 1

Suppose γ1 and γ2 are two allowed elementary paths on G such that γ1>α, γ2>α and f(γ1)=f(γ2)=f(α). Since f1(v)>0 for each vV(G1), it follows that

γ 1 = α 1 * α 2 '


γ 2 = α 1 * α 2

where α2'=w0wiuwi+1wt, α2=w0wjwwj+1wt and f2(u)=f2(w)=0. Since there exists at most one zero-point of f2, it follows that u=w and ij. Without loss of generality, i<j. Thus, there exists a directed loop

w w i + 1 w j w

on G2 with f2(w)=0. This contradicts Lemma 1. Therefore,

# { γ ( n + 1 ) > α ( n ) | f ( γ ) = f ( α ) } 1

Case 2 t = - 1 . Then for any allowed elementary n-path α on G,

α = α 1

where α1=v0vnP(G1). Obviously, since f1(v)>0 for all vertices vV(G1), it follows that f(β)<f(α) for any allowed elementary path β<α. Hence,

# { β ( n - 1 ) < α ( n ) | f ( β ) = f ( α ) } = 0

Moreover, since there exists at most one vertex wP(G2) such that f2(w)=0, it follows that there exists at most one allowed elementary path

γ = v 0 v n w

such that γ>α and f(γ)=f(α). Hence,

# { γ ( n + 1 ) > α ( n ) | f ( γ ) = f ( α ) } 1

Summarizing Case 1 and Case 2, due to the arbitrariness of α, f is a discrete Morse function on G.

Therefore, the lemma is proved.

Moreover, we have

Theorem 3[18 , Theorem 2.12] Let G be a digraph and f:V(G)[0,+) be a discrete Morse function on G. Then f can be extended to be a Morse function f¯ on G¯ such that f¯(v)=f(v) for each vertex vV(G) if and only if the following condition (*) is satisfied.

(*) for each vertex vV(G), there exists at most one zero-point of f in all allowed elementary paths starting or ending at v.

Therefore, by Lemma 5 and Theorem 3, we have that

Corollary 1   Let f1:V(G1)(0,+) be a function on G1 and f2:V(G2)[0,+) be a discrete Morse function on G2 with at most one zero-point. Then the function f defined in (1) is extendable.

Proof   By Theorem 3, f1 can be extended to be a discrete Morse function f¯1 on G¯1 such that f¯1(v)=f1(v) for vV(G1), and f2 can be extended to be a discrete Morse function f¯2 on G¯2 such that f¯2(w)=f2(w) for wV(G2).

By Lemma 5, f is a discrete Morse function on G and f is extendable.

Define a function f¯:V(G¯)[0,+) such that

f ¯ ( v ) = { f ¯ 1 ( v ) , v V ( G 1 ) , f ¯ 2 ( v ) , v V ( G 2 ) .

Then f¯ is the extension of f on G¯ such that f¯(v)=f(v) for vV(G).

Remark 1   Let f1,f2 be discrete Morse functions on digraphs G1 and G2, respectively. By Lemma 5 and Corollary 1, unless otherwise specified, we always assume that f1 is positive and f2 has at most a unique zero-point in this paper. Denote the extended discrete Morse function of f on G¯=G1*G2_________ as f¯.

2.2 Transitive Closure of Join of Digraphs, Discrete Gradient Vector Field on the Transitive Closure

Firstly, it is easy to prove that the transitive closure of join of two digraphs are the same as the join of their transitive closures. That is,

Proposition 1   Let G1 and G2 be two digraphs. Then

G 1 * G 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = G ¯ 1 * G ¯ 2

Proof   Firstly,

V ( G 1 * G 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = V ( G 1 * G 2 ) = V ( G 1 ) V ( G 2 ) = V ( G ¯ 1 ) V ( G ¯ 2 )

Secondly, we will prove

E ( G 1 * G 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = E ( G ¯ 1 * G ¯ 2 ) (2)

and divide the proof into the following two steps.

Step 1   Since G1*G2G¯1*G¯2, it is sufficient to prove that for each directed edge (u,w)E(G1*G2_________)\E(G1*G2),(u,w)E(G¯1*G¯2). Since for any (u,w)E(G1*G2_________)\E(G1*G2), there exist a sequence of directed edges {vivi+1}i=0n-1 such that vivi+1E(G1*G2) with v0=u and vn=w. Since V(G1)V(G2)=, there are three cases to be considered.

Case 1 Each vivi+1E(G1), 0in-1. Then uw=v0vnE(G¯1)E(G¯1*G¯2).

Case 2 Each vivi+1E(G2),0in-1. Then uw=v0vnE(G¯2)E(G¯1*G¯2).

Case 3 There exists a directed edge vkvk+1E(G1*G2)\E(G1)E(G2). Then by the definition of join of digraphs, vertices v0,v1,,vk are all in G1 and vk+1,,vn are all in G2. Thus,

u w = v 0 v n E ( G 1 * G 2 ) \ E ( G 1 ) E ( G 2 ) E ( G 1 * G 2 )

Combing Case 1-Case 3, E(G1*G2_________\G1*G2)E(G¯1*G¯2). Hence, E(G1*G2__________)E(G¯1*G¯2).

Step 2   By the definition of join of digraphs, we have that

E ( G ¯ 1 * G ¯ 2 ) = E ( G ¯ 1 ) E ( G ¯ 2 ) { ( u , v ) | u V ( G ¯ 1 ) , v V ( G ¯ 2 ) }

= E ( G ¯ 1 ) E ( G ¯ 2 ) { ( u , v ) | u V ( G 1 ) , v V ( G 2 ) }


  E ( G ¯ 1 ) E ( G 1 * G 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) ;

  E ( G ¯ 2 ) E ( G 1 * G 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) ;

for each (u,v)E(G¯1*G¯2) such that uV(G1) and vV(G2),

( u , v ) E ( G 1 * G 2 ) E ( G 1 * G 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )   .

Hence, E(G1*G2__________)E(G¯1*G¯2).

Therefore, (2) is proved and the proposition holds.

By Proposition 1 and Ref.[3, Proposition 6.4], we have

Corollary 2   Suppose α is an arbitrary allowed elementary n-path on G1*G2_________. Then there exist α1Ps(G¯1) and α2Pt(G¯2) such that α=α1*α2, s+t+1=n and s,t-1.

For each n0, denote Critn(G) as the free R-module consisting of all the formal linear combinations of critical n-paths on digraph G.

Lemma 6   Suppose αCritn(G¯). Then there exist α1Crits(G¯1) and α2Critt(G¯2) such that α=α1*α2,s+t+1=n.

Proof   By Corollary 2, α=α1*α2 where α1Ps(G¯1) and α2Pt(G¯2). By Lemma 5, since f is the discrete Morse function on G decided by f1 and f2, it follows that one of f1 and f2 is positive and the other one has at most one zero-point. Without loss of generality, f1 is positive on V(G1) and f2 has at most one zero-point. Then the extension f¯1 of f1 is positive on V(G¯1) and each allowed elementary path on G¯1 is critical on G¯1. Hence, α1 is a critical path on G¯1 and the crucial part of the proof is to verify that α2 is a critical path on G¯2. Consider the following two cases.

Case 1 There exists no zero-point of f2. Obviously, α1Crits(G¯1) and α2Critt(G¯2).

Case 2 There exists one zero-point of f2. Then each allowed elementary path on G¯1 is not critical on G¯. Since α is critical on G¯, it follows that t0. We assert that α2Critt(G¯2). Suppose to the contrary, α2 is not critical on G¯2. By Lemma 3, there are two cases to be considered.

Subcase 2.1 There exists an allowed elementary path β2 on G¯2 such that β2<α2 and f¯2(β2)=f¯2(α2). Let α'=α1*β2. Then α' is an allowed elementary path on G¯ such that α'<α and f¯(α')=f¯(α) which contradicts α is critical on G¯.

Subcase 2.2 There exists an allowed elementary path γ2 on G¯2 such that γ2>α2 and f¯2(γ2)=f¯2(α2). Let α=α1*γ2. Then α is an allowed elementary path on G¯ such that α>α and f¯(α)=f¯(α) which contradicts α is critical on G¯.

Combining Case 2.1 and Case 2.2, the assertion holds.

Summarizing Case 1 and Case 2, the lemma is proved.

Remark 2   The inverse of Lemma 6 may not hold. For example, suppose f1:V(G1)(0,+) is a function on G1 and f2:V(G2)[0,+) is a discrete Morse function on G2 with f2(w)=0. Let α=v where v is an arbitrary vertex of G1 and α'=w. Then α and α' are critical paths on G¯1 and G¯2, respectively. Let γ=vw. Then since f¯(γ)=f¯(α), it follows that γ is not critical on G¯.

Secondly, denote the discrete gradient vector field on G¯i and the discrete gradient flow of G¯i as V¯i and Φ¯i respectively, i=1,2. Then we have that

Proposition 2   Let V¯=gradf¯ be the discrete gradient vector filed on G¯ and α=α1*α2 be an allowed elementary path on G¯ where α20. Then V¯(α)0 if and only if one of V¯1(α1)0 and V¯2(α2)0 holds.

Proof   () Suppose V¯(α)0. Then there exists a unique allowed elementary (n+1)-path γP(G¯) such that γ>α and f¯(γ)=f¯(α). By Corollary 2, γ=γ1*γ2 where γ1Ps(G¯1), γ2Pt(G¯2) and s+t+1=n+1. Since α20, it follows that t0. Thus, either

γ 1 > α 1   a n d    f ¯ 1 ( γ 1 ) = f ¯ 1 ( α 1 ) (3)


γ 2 > α 2   a n d    f ¯ 2 ( γ 2 ) = f ¯ 2 ( α 2 ) (4)

Hence, either

V ¯ 1 ( α 1 ) 0 (5)


V ¯ 2 ( α 2 ) 0 (6)

We assert that only one of (3) and (4) holds. Otherwise, γ can be written as either γ1*α2 or α1*γ2. This contradicts the uniqueness of γ. Therefore, only one of (5) and (6) holds.

() Without loss of generality, V¯1(α1)=0 and V¯2(α2)0. Then there exists a unique allowed elementary path γ2 on G¯2 such that γ2>α2 and f¯2(γ2)=f¯2(α2). Let γ=α1*γ2. Then γ is an allowed elementary path on G¯ such that γ>α and f¯(γ)=f¯(α) . Hence, V¯(α)0.

The lemma is proved.

Remark 3   The condition "α20" in Proposition 2 can not be omitted. Consider the example in Remark 2. Let α=v. Then α2=0,α=α1=v and V¯1(α1)=0. However, since f2(w)=0, it follows that V¯(α)=vw0.

Remark 4   Let α=α1*α2=v0vpw0wq be an allowed elementary path on G¯ where α1P(G¯1) and α2P(G¯2). Then under the assumption that " f1 is positive and f2 has at most a unique zero-point", we have that

V ¯ ( α ) = - < γ , α > γ = - ( - 1 ) p + i + 2 γ = ( - 1 ) p + 1 α 1 * ( - ( - 1 ) i + 1 ) γ 2 = ( - 1 ) p + 1 α 1 * V ¯ 2 ( α 2 ) (7)

where γ=v0vpw0wiwwi+1wq, γ2=w0wiwwi+1wq and f2(w)=0,-1iq (Particularly,i=-1,γ=v0vpww0wq,γ2=ww0wq; i=q,γ=v0vpw0wqw,γ2=w0wqw). Therefore, if V¯(α)0, then there must exist a unique zero-point f2 of on G2 and for any allowed elementary path αP(G¯1)P(G¯), V¯1(α)=0 and V¯(α)=0.

Thirdly, consider a structural feature of elements in Ω(G).

Lemma 7   Let G=G1*G2. Suppose x=i=1ma(i)α(i)Ωn(G) ,where α(i)=α1(i)*α2(i), α1(i)Psi(G1),α2(i)Pti(G2) and si+ti+1=n. Then x can be written as a finite sum of y*z ,where yΩ*(G1) and zΩ*(G2).

Proof   For each 0im,

α ( i ) = ( α 1 ( i ) ) * α 2 ( i ) + ( - 1 ) s i + 1 α 1 ( i ) * ( α 2 ( i ) )


d k ( α ( i ) ) P n - 1 ( G ) , 0 < k < s i     d k ( α 1 ( i ) ) P s i - 1 ( G 1 ) ,   0 < k < s i


d k ( α ( i ) ) P n - 1 ( G ) ,   s i + 1 < k < s i + t i + 1 d r ( α 2 ( i ) ) P t i - 1 ( G 2 ) ,   0 < r < t i

where r=k-(si+1).

Since xΩn(G), it follows that xPn-1(G). Hence, the coefficient for each fixed dk(α(i))Pn-1(G), 1<k<n must sum up to zero in x. Specifically, there are two cases.

Case 1 There exists a certain index 0<k<si such that dk(α(i))Pn-1(G). Then the coefficient of dk(α(i)) in x is

{ ( l , j ) | d l ( α 1 j ) = d k ( α 1 i ) } a j ( - 1 ) l = 0

where α1(j)Psi(G1), α2(j)Pti(G2) and α2(j)=α2(i). Hence, by finite steps, we can obtain a formal linear combination y of allowed elementary si-paths on G1 containing α1(i) such that yΩsi(G1).

Case 2 There exists a certain index si+1<k<si+ti+1 such that dk(α(i))Pn-1(G). Then

d r ( α 2 ( i ) ) P t i - 1 ( G 2 ) ,   r = k - ( s i + 1 ) ,   0 < r < t i .  

Similar to Case 1 above, we can obtain a formal linear combination z of allowed elementary paths on G2 which containing α2(i) such that zΩti(G2).

Therefore, the lemma is proved.

Finally, by Lemma 7, we have that

Lemma 8   Let G=G1*G2 and f1,f2 be discrete Morse functions on G1 and G2, respectively. Let f be the discrete Morse function on G decided by f1 and f2. Suppose Ω(Gi) is V¯i-invariant. Then Ω(G) is V¯-invariant.

Proof   By Lemma 5 and Corollary 1, f is extendable. Without loss of generality, f1 is positive and f2 has at most one zero-point. Let xΩn(G). By Lemma 7, it is sufficient to prove that for each x=y*zΩn(G) where yΩs(G1), zΩt(G2) and s+t+1=n, we have that V¯(x)Ω(G). According to the number of zero-points of f2, there are two cases.

Case 1 f 2 is positive on G2. Then by Theorem 3, f1,f2 are both extendable and V¯(α)=0 for any allowed elementary path α on G¯. Hence, V¯(x)=0.

Case 2 There exists one vertex wV(G2) such that f2(w)=0. Since f1(v)=0 for any vertex vV(G1), it follows that f1 is extendable by Theorem 3. Moreover,

V ¯ 1 ( α 1 ) = 0 (8)

for any allowed elementary path α1P(G¯1). Consider the following two subcases.

Subcase 2.1 t 0 . Let y=i=1ma(i)α1(i) and z=j=1lb(j)α2(i) where α1(i)Ps(G1) and α2(j)Pt(G2). Then by (7) and (8),

V ¯ ( x ) = V ¯ ( y * z ) = V ¯ ( a ( 1 ) α 1 ( 1 ) * j = 1 l b ( j ) α 2 ( j ) + + a ( m ) α 1 ( m ) * j = 1 l b ( j ) α 2 ( j ) )

= a ( 1 ) α 1 ( 1 ) * ( ( - 1 ) p + 1 j = 1 l b ( j ) V ¯ 2 ( α 2 ( j ) ) ) + + a ( m ) α 1 ( m ) * ( ( - 1 ) p + 1 j = 1 l b ( j ) V ¯ 2 ( α 2 ( j ) ) )

= ( - 1 ) p + 1 ( i = 1 m a ( i ) α 1 ( i ) ) * V ¯ 2 ( z )

= ( - 1 ) p + 1 y * V ¯ 2 ( z )

Since Ω(G2) is V¯2-invariant, V¯2(z)Ω(G2). Hence, by Ref.[3, Proposition 6.4], V¯(x)Ω(G).That is, Ω(G) is V¯-invariant.

Subcase 2.2 t = - 1 . Then x=i=1ma(i)α(i)Ωn(G1), where α(i), 1im are allowed elementary n-paths on G1.


V ¯ ( x ) = - i = 1 m a ( i ) < γ ( i ) , α ( i ) > γ ( i ) = ( - 1 ) n + 2 i = 1 m a ( i ) γ ( i )

where γ(i)=α(i)*α2Pn+1(G) and α2=w. Therefore,

V ¯ ( x ) = ( - 1 ) n + 2 i = 1 m a ( i ) k = 0 n + 1 ( - 1 ) k d k ( γ ( i ) )

= ( - 1 ) n + 2 ( i = 1 m a ( i ) k = 0 n ( - 1 ) k d k ( γ ( i ) ) + i = 1 m a ( i ) ( - 1 ) n + 1 d n + 1 ( γ ( i ) ) ) = ( - 1 ) n + 2 i = 1 m a ( i ) k = 0 n ( - 1 ) k d k ( γ ( i ) ) - i = 1 m a ( i ) α ( i ) = ( ( - 1 ) n + 2 i = 1 m a ( i ) k = 0 n ( - 1 ) k d k ( α ( i ) ) ) * α 2 - x = ( - 1 ) n + 2 ( x ) * α 2 - x

By Ref.[3, Proposition 6.4], (x)*α2Ωn(G). Thus, V¯(x)Ωn(G)Pn(G) which implies that V¯(x)Ω(G). That is, Ω(G) is V¯-invariant.

Summarizing Case 1 and Case 2, the lemma is proved.

3 Proof of Main Theorems

In this section, we will give the proof of Theorem 1 and the proof of Theorem 2.

Let {P*Φ¯(G¯),*} be the subchain complex of {P*(G¯),*} consisting of all Φ¯-invariant chains. By Ref.[18], we have the following theorem.

Theorem 4[18 , Corollary 2.16] Let G be a digraph and f be a discrete Morse function on G satisfying condition (*). Let f¯ be the extension of f on G¯ and V¯=gradf¯ be the discrete gradient vector field on G¯. Suppose Ω*(G) is V¯-invariant. Then

H m ( G ) H m ( Ω * ( G ) P * Φ ¯ ( G ¯ ) ) , m 0

Then we can give the proof of Theorem 1.

Proof of Theorem 1   By Lemma 5 and Corollary 1, f is extendable. By Lemma 8,Ω*(G) is V¯-invariant. By Theorem 4, Theorem 1 is proved.

Furthermore, by Ref. [19], we have that

Theorem 5[19 , Corollary 4.11] Let G be a digraph and G¯ be the transitive closure of G. Suppose Ω*(G) is V¯-invariant and Φ¯(α)Ω(G) for any αCrit(G)P(G) where V¯ is the discrete gradient vector field on G¯ and Φ¯ is the discrete gradient flow of G¯, respectively. Then

H m ( { C r i t n ( G ¯ ) P n ( G ) , ˜ n } n 0 ) H m ( G ; R )

where ˜=(Φ¯)-1Φ¯ and Φ¯ is the stabilization map of Φ¯.

Then we can give the proof of Theorem 2.

Proof of Theorem 2   By Lemma 5, f is a discrete Morse function on G. By Corollary 1, f is extendable. Let α=α1*α2Critn(G¯)Pn(G) ,where α1Ps(G1), α2Pt(G2), and s+t+1=n. Since f1(v)>0 for vP(G1) and f2 has a unique zero-point, it follows that any allowed elementary path on G¯1 is not critical on G¯. Hence, t0. Moreover, by Lemma 6, α1Crits(G¯1) and α2Critt(G¯2). Then α1Crits(G¯1)Ps(G1) and α2Critt(G¯2)Pt(G2).


C r i t ( G ¯ 2 ) P ( G 2 ) = C r i t ( G ¯ 2 ) Ω ( G 2 ) ,

it follows that

α 2 C r i t t ( G ¯ 2 ) Ω t ( G 2 ) (9)

By (8), since Φ¯i(αi)Ω(Gi), it follows that

Φ ¯ 1 ( α 1 ) = ( I d + V ¯ 1 + V ¯ 1 ) ( α 1 )

= α 1 + V ¯ 1 ( α 1 )

= α 1 Ω s ( G 1 ) (10)


Φ ¯ 2 ( α 2 ) = ( I d + V ¯ 2 + V ¯ 2 ) ( α 2 ) = α 2 + V ¯ 2 ( α 2 ) Ω t ( G 2 ) (11)

Hence, by (8), (9), (10) and (11),

Φ ( α ) = ( I d + V + V ) ( α ) = ( I d + V + V ) ( α 1 * α 2 ) = α 1 * α 2 + V ¯ ( α 1 * α 2 )

= α 1 * α 2 + V ¯ ( ( α 1 ) * α 2 + ( - 1 ) p + 1 α 1 * ( α 2 ) )

= α 1 * α 2 + ( - 1 ) p ( α 1 ) * V ¯ 2 ( α 2 ) + ( - 1 ) p + 1 ( - 1 ) p + 1 α 1 * V ¯ 2 ( α 2 )

= α 1 * ( α 2 + V ¯ 2 ( α 2 ) ) + ( - 1 ) p ( α 1 ) * ( α 2 + V ¯ ( α 2 ) ) - ( - 1 ) p ( α 1 ) * α 2 Ω n ( G )

Since Ω(Gi) is V¯i-invariant, by Lemma 8, it follows that Ω(G) is V¯-invariant. Therefore, by Theorem 5, the theorem is proved.

Next, let G1, G2 be transitive digraphs. Then by Proposition 1, we have that

G 1 * G 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = G ¯ 1 * G ¯ 2 = G 1 * G 2

Thus, G1*G2 is transitive. Therefore, by Lemma 5 and Corollary 1, Theorem 5 can be restated as follows.

Corollary 3   Let G=G1*G2 where G1 and G2 are transitive digraphs. Let f1, f2 be discrete Morse functions on G1 and G2 respectively and f the discrete Morse function on G decided by f1 and f2. Then

H m ( { C r i t n ( G ) , ˜ n } n 0 ) H m ( G ; R )

Finally, we give some examples. The following example illustrates Theorem 1 and Theorem 2.

Example 1 Let G1={V(G1),E(G1)} be a digraph where V(G1)={v0,v1,v2} and E(G1)={v0v1,v1v2}. Let f1:V(G1)[0,+) be a function on G1 such that f1(v1)=0, f1(v0)>0 and f1(v2)>0.

Let G2={V(G2),E(G2)} be a digraph where V(G2)={v3,v4} and E(G2)=. Let f2 be a function on G2 such that f2(v3)>0 and f2(v4)>0. Then f1 and f2 are discrete Morse functions on G1 and G2 respectively and both f1 and f2 are extendable.

Let G=G1*G2. In fact, G is a suspension on G1(Ref.[3, Definition 6.13]). By Corollary 1, f1 and f2 can define a discrete Morse function f as in (1) which is extendable(see Fig.1). Let f¯ be the extension of f on G¯. Then

thumbnail Fig.1 Example 1

  Ω ( G 1 ) = P ( G 1 ) = { v 0 , v 1 , v 2 , v 0 v 1 , v 1 v 2 } ,   P ( G ¯ 1 ) = { v 0 , v 1 , v 2 , v 0 v 1 , v 1 v , 2 v 0 v 2 , v 0 v 1 v 2 } ,

C r i t ( G ¯ 1 ) = { v 1 }

C r i t ( G ¯ 1 ) P ( G 1 ) = { v 1 } = C r i t ( G ¯ 1 ) Ω ( G 1 )

Ω ( G 2 ) = { v 3 , v 4 } ,   P ( G ¯ 2 ) = { v 3 , v 4 }

C r i t ( G ¯ 2 ) = { v 3 , v 4 } ,   C r i t ( G ¯ 2 ) P ( G 2 ) = { v 3 , v 4 }


V ¯ 1 ( v 0 ) = v 0 v 1 ,   V ¯ 1 ( v 2 ) = - v 1 v 2 ,   V ¯ 1 ( v 0 v 2 ) = v 0 v 1 v 2

V ¯ 1 ( α 1 ) = 0 for any other allowed elementary path α1 on G¯1,

V ¯ 2 ( α 2 ) = 0 for any allowed elementary path α2 on G¯2.

Hence, Ω(Gi) is V¯i-invariant. Moreover,

Φ ¯ 1 ( v 1 ) = ( I d + V ¯ 1 + V ¯ 1 ) ( v 1 )

= v 1 Ω ( G 1 )

Φ ¯ 2 ( v 3 ) = ( I d + V ¯ 2 + V ¯ 2 ) ( v 3 )

= v 3 Ω ( G 2 )


Φ ¯ 2 ( v 4 ) = ( I d + V ¯ 2 + V ¯ 2 ) ( v 4 )

= v 4 Ω ( G 2 )

Hence Φ¯i(αi)Ω(Gi) for any αiCrit(G¯i)Pn(Gi),i=1,2.

On the other hand,

Ω ( G ) = { v 0 , v 1 , v 2 , v 3 , v 4 , v 0 v 1 , v 0 v 3 , v 0 v 4 , v 1 v 2 , v 1 v 3 , v 1 v 4 ,

v 2 v 3 , v 2 v 4 , v 0 v 1 v 3 , v 0 v 1 v 4 , v 1 v 2 v 3 , v 1 v 2 v 4 }


V ¯ ( v 0 ) = v 0 v 1 ,   V ¯ ( v 2 ) = - v 1 v 2 ,   V ¯ ( v 3 ) = v 1 v 3 ,   V ¯ ( v 4 ) = - v 1 v 4 ,

V ¯ ( v 0 v 2 ) = v 0 v 1 v 2 ,   V ¯ ( v 0 v 3 ) = v 0 v 1 v 3 ,   V ¯ ( v 0 v 4 ) = v 0 v 1 v 4 ,

V ¯ ( v 2 v 3 ) = - v 1 v 2 v 3 , V ¯ ( v 2 v 4 ) = - v 1 v 2 v 4 , V ¯ ( v 0 v 2 v 3 ) = v 0 v 1 v 2 v 3 ,

V ¯ ( v 0 v 2 v 4 ) = v 0 v 1 v 2 v 4 ,  

V ¯ ( α ) = 0 for any other allowed elementary path α on G¯.

Φ ¯ ( v 0 ) = v 1 ,   Φ ¯ ( v 1 ) = v 1 , Φ ¯ ( v 2 ) = v 1 , Φ ¯ ( v 3 ) = v 1 ,   Φ ¯ ( v 4 ) = v 1 ,

Φ ¯ ( α ) = 0 for any other allowed elementary path α on G¯.

By Theorem 1, since

Ω * ( G ) P * Φ ¯ ( G ¯ ) = { v 1 }

it follows that

H 0 ( Ω * ( G ) P * Φ ¯ ( G ¯ ) ) = R

H m ( Ω * ( G ) P * Φ ¯ ( G ¯ ) ) = 0   f o r   m 1

which is consistent with Ref.[3, Proposition 6.14].

By Theorem 2, since

C r i t ( G ¯ ) = { v 0 } ,   C r i t ( G ¯ ) P ( G ) = { v 0 } ,  

it follows that

H 0 ( { C r i t n ( G ¯ ) P ( G ) , ˜ n } n 0 ) = R

H m ( { C r i t n ( G ¯ ) P ( G ) , ˜ n } n 0 ) = 0   f o r   m 1

which is consistent with Ref.[3, Proposition 6.14].

And the next is an example illustrating Corollary 3.

Example 2 Let G1 be a digraph with vertex set V(G1)={v0,v1,v2,v3} and directed edge set E(G1)={v0v2,v0v3,v1v2,v1v3}. Let f1:V(G1)[0,+) be a function on G1 such that f1(vi)>0, 0i3.

Let G2={V(G2), E(G2)} be a digraph where V(G2)={v4,v5} and E(G2)=. Let f2 be a function on G2 such that f2(v4)=0 and f2(v5)>0. Then f1 and f2 are discrete Morse functions on G1 and G2 respectively and both f1 and f2 are extendable.

Let G=G1*G2. By Corollary 1, f1 and f2 can define a discrete Morse function f as (1) which is extendable(see Fig.2). Let f¯ be the extension of f on G¯. Then

P ( G 1 ) = Ω ( G 1 ) = Ω ( G ¯ 1 ) = { v 0 , v 1 , v 2 , v 3 , v 0 v 2 , v 0 v 3 , v 1 v 2 , v 1 v 3 }

P ( G 2 ) = Ω ( G 2 ) = Ω ( G ¯ 2 ) = { v 4 , v 5 }

P ( G ) = Ω ( G ) = Ω ( G ¯ ) = { v 0 , v 1 , v 2 , v 3 , v 4 , v 5 , v 0 v 2 , v 0 v 3 , v 0 v 4 , v 0 v 5 , v 1 v 2 , v 1 v 3 , v 1 v 4 , v 1 v 5 , v 2 v 4 , v 2 v 5 , v 3 v 4 , v 3 v 5 , v 0 v 2 v 4 , v 0 v 2 v 5 , v 0 v 3 v 4 , v 0 v 3 v 5 , v 1 v 2 v 4 , v 1 v 2 v 5 , v 1 v 3 v 4 , v 1 v 3 v 5 } .

thumbnail Fig. 2 Example 2


C r i t ( G ¯ ) = C r i t ( G ) = { v 4 , v 5 , v 0 v 5 , v 1 v 5 , v 2 v 5 , v 3 v 5 , v 0 v 2 v 5 , v 0 v 3 v 5 , v 1 v 2 v 5 , v 1 v 3 v 5 }

V ¯ ( v 0 ) = v 0 v 4 , V ¯ ( v 1 ) = v 1 v 4 , V ¯ ( v 2 ) = v 2 v 4 , V ¯ ( v 3 ) = v 3 v 4 ,

V ¯ ( v 0 v 2 ) = - v 0 v 2 v 4 , V ¯ ( v 0 v 3 ) = - v 0 v 3 v 4 , V ¯ ( v 1 v 3 ) = - v 1 v 3 v 4 , V ¯ ( v 1 v 2 ) = - v 1 v 2 v 4 ,

V ¯ ( α ) = 0 for any other allowed elementary path α on G¯


Φ ¯ ( v 0 ) = v 4 , Φ ¯ ( v 1 ) = v 4 , Φ ¯ ( v 2 ) = v 4 , Φ ¯ ( v 3 ) = v 4 , Φ ¯ ( v 4 ) = v 4 , Φ ¯ ( v 5 ) = v 5 ,

Φ ¯ ( v 0 v 2 ) = 0 , Φ ¯ ( v 0 v 3 ) = 0 , Φ ¯ ( v 1 v 3 ) = 0 ,

Φ ¯ ( v 1 v 2 ) = 0 , Φ ¯ ( v 0 v 4 ) = 0 ,   Φ ¯ ( v 0 v 5 ) = v 0 v 5 - v 0 v 4 , Φ ¯ ( v 1 v 4 ) = 0 , Φ ¯ ( v 1 v 5 ) = v 1 v 5 - v 1 v 4 , Φ ¯ ( v 2 v 4 ) = 0 ,

Φ ¯ ( v 2 v 5 ) = v 2 v 5 - v 2 v 4 ,   Φ ¯ ( v 3 v 4 ) = 0 ,   Φ ¯ ( v 3 v 5 ) = v 3 v 5 - v 3 v 4 , Φ ¯ ( v 0 v 2 v 4 ) = 0 ,   Φ ¯ ( v 0 v 2 v 5 ) = v 0 v 2 v 5 - v 0 v 2 v 4 ,   Φ ¯ ( v 0 v 3 v 4 ) = 0 ,

Φ ¯ ( v 0 v 3 v 5 ) = v 0 v 3 v 5 - v 0 v 3 v 4 ,   Φ ¯ ( v 1 v 2 v 4 ) = 0 ,

Φ ¯ ( v 1 v 2 v 5 ) = v 1 v 2 v 5 - v 1 v 2 v 4 ,   Φ ¯ ( v 1 v 3 v 4 ) = 0 ,

Φ ¯ ( v 1 v 3 v 5 ) = v 1 v 3 v 5 - v 1 v 3 v 4 .


˜ ( v 0 v 5 ) = v 5 - v 4 ,   ˜ ( v 1 v 5 ) = v 5 - v 4 ,   ˜ ( v 2 v 5 ) = v 5 - v 4 , ˜ ( v 3 v 5 ) = v 5 - v 4 ,   ˜ ( v 0 v 2 v 5 ) = v 2 v 5 - v 0 v 5 , ˜ ( v 0 v 3 v 5 ) = v 3 v 5 - v 0 v 5 ,   ˜ ( v 1 v 2 v 5 ) = v 2 v 5 - v 1 v 5 ,

˜ ( v 1 v 3 v 5 ) = v 3 v 5 - v 1 v 5 ,

˜ ( v 1 v 2 v 5 - v 0 v 2 v 5 + v 0 v 3 v 5 - v 1 v 3 v 5 ) = 0

By Corollary 3,

H 0 ( { C r i t n ( G ) , ˜ n } n 0 ) = R

H 1 ( { C r i t n ( G ) , ˜ n } n 0 ) = R

H 2 ( { C r i t n ( G ) , ˜ n } n 0 ) = R

H m ( { C r i t n ( G ) , ˜ n } n 0 ) = 0   f o r   m > 2

which is consistent with Ref.[3, Example 6.17].


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