Issue |
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 29, Number 6, December 2024
Page(s) | 523 - 528 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 January 2025 |
CLC number: O189.22
The Weighted Embedded Homology of Super-Hypergraphs
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Cangzhou Normal University, Cangzhou 061000, Hebei, China
In this paper, we define the weighted embedded homology of super-hypergraphs, give a quasi-partial order and a pseudo-metric on the set made up of all non-vanishing weights on a finite set, and clarify the relationship between the torsion parts of weighted embedded homology with integer coefficients of super-hypergraphs under certain weights.
Key words: Δ-set / super-hypergraph / weighted embedded homology / pseudo-metric
关键字 : Δ-集 / 超超图 / 加权嵌入同调 / 伪度量
Cite this article: WANG Chong. The Weighted Embedded Homology of Super-Hypergraphs[J]. Wuhan Univ J of Nat Sci, 2024, 29(6): 523-528.
Biography: WANG Chong, female, Professor, research direction: geometry and topology on graphs. E-mail:
Foundation item: Supported by the Science and Technology Project of Hebei Education Department (ZD2022168) and the Research and Innovation Team of Cangzhou Normal University (cxtdl2304)
© Wuhan University 2024
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0 Introduction
Weighted homology is a generalization of homology theory. In general, one of the main motivations of weighted homology is distinguishing different elements in the data set, which was initially defined on a simplicial complex where each simplex is assigned a weight value[1]. Later, Horak and Jost[2] first developed a general framework for Laplace operators defined in terms of the combinatorial structure of a simplicial complex. Ren et al[3] developed the theory of weighted persistent homology of weighted simplicial complex, extended the homology of weighted simplicial complexes to the embedded homology of weighted hypergraphs[4], and proved that weighted persistent homology can tell apart filtrations that ordinary persistent homology does not distinguish[5].
Different from simplicial complexes and hypergraphs, the directed edges in a digraph may have two directions, and there may be directed loops in a digraph. Therefore, in this sense, the topological study of digraphs has more general significance in mathematics. In 2020, Wang et al[6] studied the persistent homology of vertex-weighted digraphs. They proved the persistent weighted path homology with coefficients in a filed is independent of the choices of weights.
According to Ref. [7], a simplicial complex can be viewed as a Δ-set, and a hypergraph can be represented as a graded subset of Δ-sets. Moreover, the set of allowed elementary paths on a digraph can be expressed as a graded subset of Δ-sets. Hence, our motivation for this paper is to define the weighted embedded homology of graded sets of Δ-sets which are called as super-hypergraphs[8], study the structure of the torsion part of weighted homology groups with coefficients in , and consider the relationship between the torsion parts of weighted embedded homology groups with integer coefficients of super-hypergraphs with different weights. The framework of the paper is as follows. Firstly, we respectively review the definition of embedded homology on super-hypergraphs in Section 1 and define the weighted embedded homology on super-hypergraphs in Section 2. Secondly, in Section 3, we give a quasi-partial order and a pseudo-metric on the set of all weights on a finite set. Notably, Subsection 3.2 provides the relationship between the torsion parts of weighted embedded homology with integer coefficients of super-hypergraphs under certain weights in Theorem 1 and Theorem 2.
1 Preliminaries
Let be a communicative ring with a unit. Let be a -set with face maps
such that
A graded subset of is a sequence of sets such that each is a subset of . By Ref. [8, Definition 2.9], a super-hypergraph is a pair , where is a -set and is a graded subset of . By Refs. [7-9], the infimum chain complex
and the supremum chain complex
induce the same homology groups, which is called the -th embedded homology on super-hypergraphs with coefficient in . That is,
Let and be -sets. A -map is a sequence of functions , such that for each . Suppose are -sets and is a -map. If are graded subsets of respectively such that , is called a morphism of super-hypergraphs. Then, by Ref. [8, Proposition 2.11], induces chain maps
The chain maps and induce homomorphisms and of homology groups, respectively, such that the following diagram commutes
Here l is the canonical inclusion of into , and is the canonical inclusion of into . Letting (or alternatively, letting ), we obtain a homomorphism of the embedded homology groups
The following example gives a homomorphism between embedded homology groups with coefficients in .
Example 1 Let . Consider the following two -moudules(homology groups)
then f is a homomorphism between and .
2 Weighted Embedded Homology of Super-Hypergraphs
Let be a -set. Let be an integer-valued weight. Let be the projection sending to the -th point .
We define the weighted boundary map as:
where are the face maps as defined in Eq. (1). Then,
is a homomorphism of free -modules given by
for any , and extends linearly over . Moreover,
for any . Hence, -modules
with a weighted boundary map
is a chain complex.
Let be a graded subset of . Let
Then Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) are both sub-chain complexes of , called the weighted infimum chain complex of in and the weighted supremum chain complex of in , respectively. By Ref. [9], the canonical inclusion
induces an isomorphism in homology;
which is called the weighted embedded homology of , denoted as
For each , let
where is a chain complex. Then by Ref. [1, Theorem 11.4], for each , there exists linearly independent on , and there exists linearly-independent on , such that;
where and . Note that are all depending on the weight .
The torsion part of the -homology group can be expressed as
By substituting with or in Eq. (5), we have the structure of the torsion part of .
By Ref. [7], the path homology of digraphs can be seen as the embedded homology on super-hypergraphs. Hence, we take the path homology of digraphs as an example to illustrate that the weighted embedded homology is generally different from the unweighted embedded homology. The readers may refer to Refs. [10-13] for details on path homology of digraphs.
Example 2 As shown in Fig. 1, let be a cycle with vertex set and directed edge set:
Fig. 1 Example 2 |
Let be a weight on with and . Then,
it follows that,
for and . By Ref. [10, Proposition 4.7], Eq. (6) is different from the unweighted 1-dimensional path homology group .
However, by Refs. [3,6,7], the following lemma holds.
Lemma 1 (Ref. [6, Theorem 2.2]) Let be any field. Let . Then for any nonvanishing weight on ,
This implies that the weighted homology with -coefficients does not depend on the choice of .
Hence, by Lemma 1, we have
Corollary 1 The free part of does not depend on the choice of non-vanishing weight .
Proof The free part of is , where . By Lemma 1, does not depend on . Hence, the free part of does not depend on the choice of .
3 Main Results
In this section, we give a quasi-partial order and a pseudo-metric on the set made up of all non-vanishing weights on a finite set and consider the morphisms of weighted -sets.
3.1 Vertex Weights on a Finite Set
Let be a finite set. Let be non-vanishing weights on . Using the following notations:
(i) if for an arbitrary vertex , ;
(ii) if there exists a vertex such that ;
(iii) if for an arbitrary vertex , ;
(iv) if there exists a vertex such that ;
(v) if for an arbitrary vertex , ( divides );
(vi) if and .
(i) for any weight on , and and ;
(ii) for any weights and on , if and , then ;
(iii) for any weights on , if and , then .
Hence, "" is a quasi-partial order on the set of all the weights on . A weight on is said minimal, if for any weight on , . That is,
is minimal for any vertex .
Two weights and with are said adjacent if there is no weight on such that . Hence, are adjacent if and only if there exists a unique vertex such that the following both hold:
(i) for some prime ;
(ii) for any .
Therefore, we have a pseudo-metric on such that for any two weights and on ,
(i) if ;
(ii) if and are adjacent;
(iii) .
Here if .
Note that any is connected to the minimal weights by certain . Hence, make sense for any weights and .
3.2 Morphisms of Super-Hypergraphs
Let and be -sets. Let and be the weights on and , respectively. De-fine a map such that for each ,
and the weight of is defined to be the product of weights of all vertices , . Obviously, is a -map between and . Furthermore, according to Ref. [6, Definition 1.1], since satisfies Eq. (7), it is referred to as the morphism between weighted -sets. Let be graded subsets of , respectively. Suppose , then, is a weighted morphism of super-hypergraphs.
Lemma 2 (Ref. [6, Theorem 1.1]) A morphism of weighted -sets induces a homomorphism of weighted embedded homology on super-hypergraphs
Notably, in Lemma 2, let , and be the identity map on . We have that
Corollary 2 Let and be two weights on and . Then, the identity map on induces a homomorphism
The following results are based on Corollary 1 and Corollary 2.
Theorem 1 Let and be two weights on and . Then, the homomorphism splits into a direct sum
where is the identity map on the free part of and is the restriction of to the -torsion part
Proof We observe that the sends the -torsion part of to the -torsion part of . Moreover, by Corollary 1 sends the -torsion part of identically to the -torsion part of . The splitting follows.
Moreover, we have
Theorem 2 Suppose for each , . Here is a fixed prime and is a fixed positive integer. Then, for any prime ,
Moreover, is the identity map if and is the canonical projection if .
Proof We observe that
The assertion follows.
Finally, we give an example to illustrate the crucial role of weights in Theorem 2, as shown in Fig. 2. We assign different weights to the vertices of the digraph in Example 2.
Fig. 2 Example 3 |
Example 3 Let be a digraph with the vertex set and the directed edge set
Let be two weight functions on such that and .
Consider the two weighted digraphs and . Let f be the morphism between (abbreviated as ) and (abbreviated as ) such that . By calculation, we have that
Hence, and
Remark 1 In Example 3, we have that
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Fig. 1 Example 2 | |
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Fig. 2 Example 3 | |
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