Issue |
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 28, Number 5, October 2023
Page(s) | 373 - 378 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 November 2023 |
CLC number: O175.26
Lower Bounds of Blow Up Time for a Class of Slow Reaction Diffusion Equations with Inner Absorption Terms
College of Business, Xi'an International University, Xi'an
710077, Shaanxi, China
In this paper, a class of slow reaction-diffusion equations with nonlocal source and inner absorption terms are studied. By using the technique of improved differential inequality, the lower bounds of blow up time for the system under either homogeneous Dirichlet or nonhomogeneous Neumann boundary conditions are obtained.
Key words: slow reaction diffusion equations / inner absorption terms / lower bounds of blow up time
Biography: XUE Yingzhen, male, Professor, research direction: theory and application of partial differential equation. E-mail:
Fundation item: Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (2019JM-534), the Youth Innovation Team of Shaanxi Universities, the 14th Five Year Plan for Educational Science in Shaanxi Province (SGH21Y0308), Key Topic of China Higher Education Association (21DFD04), Higher Education Teaching Reform Project of Xi'an International University (2023B03), 2022 Annual Planning Project of China Association of Private Education (School Development) (CANFZG22222), Project of Department of Education of Shaanxi Province, the 2022 Annual Topic of the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Shaanxi Provincial Educational Science (SGH22Y1885), Project of Qi Fang Education Research Institute of Xi'an International University (23mjy10), and Special Project of the Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Found in 2023 (2023SJ12, 2023LS04)
© Wuhan University 2023
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0 Introduction
In this paper, we consider the lower bound of blow up time for a class of slow reaction diffusion equations with nonlocal source and inner absorption terms
Under either homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition
or nonhomogeneous Neumann boundary condition
where is a Laplace operator, is a bounded region with smooth boundary , , is the unit external normal vector in the external normal direction of .
Equations (1)-(5) can be used to describe slow diffusion phenomena in physics and chemistry, such as combustion of two mixtures in heat conduction process, reaction changes of two reactants in chemical reaction, and so on. represent temperature of two media and concentration of reactants respectively etc.
There are many research achievements on the lower bound of blow up time of the following single reaction-diffusion equation with absorption term,
When Song[1] studied the lower bound of blow up time for solution of equation (6) with homogeneous Dirichlet and homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions; Liu[2] studied the lower bound of blow up time for the solution of equation (6) with nonlinear boundary conditions; Tang et al[3] has extended the results in equation (6) to higher dimensional cases, see Refs. [4-7] for other relevant achievements.
Relatively speaking, there are few studies on the lower bound of blow up time for the solution of cross coupled reaction diffusion equations with nonlocal sources and absorption terms. Ouyang et al[8] studied global existence and blow up of solutions for the following generalized nonlocal porous media equations with time dependent coefficients and absorption terms
Ouyang et al[9] studied the global existence of the solution and the lower bound of blow up time of the solution for the following equations
when blow up occurs. Other similar equations or equation set are shown in Refs. [10-16].
Inspired by Refs. [8-16], this paper studies the lower bound of blow up time for solutions of slow reaction-diffusion equations (1)-(5) with different boundary conditions when , and generalizes the existing results. The results can better describe the reaction diffusion problems with the cross influence of two variables in physical, chemical and hydrodynamic problems.
1 Some Important Inequalities
This part introduces some important inequalities used in this paper.
Lemma 1[17] (Young inequality) Let , then
Lemma 2[17] (Membrane inequality)
where is the first eigenvalue of
Lemma 3[16] Let be the bounded star region in , and then
Lemma 4[17] (Special Young inequality) Let be an arbitrary constant, and then
2 Lower Bound of Blow up Time under Homogeneous Dirichlet Boundary Conditions
The lower bound of blow up time for solutions of equations under homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions is discussed below.
Theorem 1 Define an auxiliary functions
for If is a non-negative classical solution of equations (1)-(4) and blow up occurs in the sense of measure at time , then the lower bound of is
where . The normal number are given in the following proof.
When the equations (1)-(4) take homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, equation (8) becomes
First, Hölder's inequality is used to estimate the second term of in equation (9), and we obtain
According to Lemma 1 and equation aboves, we get
Second, Hölder's inequality is used to estimate the first term on the right side of inequality (11), and it is obtained that
From the second term on the right side of inequality sign of (12) and Hölder's inequality, we can get
From the first term on the right side of inequality sign of (12) and Hölder's inequality, we know
Using the following Sobolev inequality[17]
where and the second term of inequality (14) can be simplified to
By synthesizing inequalities (14) and (15), we have
Based on lemma 2, inequality (16) becomes
Combining inequalities (13) and (17), inequality (12) becomes
Secondly, for the order-preserving property of integrals is quoted in the third term of in equation (9), we have
By synthesizing inequalities (11), (18), (19) with an undetermined positive weight factor of inequality (9) becomes
where is given in the later proof, according to the arithmetic geometric mean inequality
Inequality (20) becomes
The same derivation method is used to estimate the term in inequality (10),
is given in the later proof, in order to deal with the gradient terms in (21) and (22), set
Finally, by synthesizing inequalities (21) and (22), we can compute
inequality (23) becomes
Integrating (24) from to , we obtain
This completes the proof of the theorem.
3 Lower Bound of Blow up Time under Nonhomogeneous Neumann Boundary Conditions
Theorem 2 Define the same measure as (7) and the same condition as . If is a nonnegative classical solution to the equations (1)-(3) and (5), then the lower bound of is
where the normal number are given in the following proof.
Proof Lemma 3 is used to estimate two boundary terms in inequality (8), then
From the second term on the right side of inequality (26) and Hölder's inequality and Lemma 4, we can know
where is an arbitrary constant.
The Hölder's inequality is used to estimate the second term on the right side of inequality (27), and we have
Substituting (27) and (28) into inequality (26), we get
Similarly, another boundary term in inequality (8) is estimated as follows
is an arbitrary constant.
Substituting (21), (22), (29) and (30) into inequality (8), we compute
inequality (31) becomes
Integrating (32) from to , we obtain
This completes the proof of the theorem.
The author would like to thank the referees for their valuable suggestions and comments which helped to improve this paper.
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