Issue |
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 28, Number 5, October 2023
Page(s) | 411 - 420 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 November 2023 |
CLC number: O241
Uniform Convergence Analysis of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Layer-Adapted Meshes for Singularly Perturbed Problem
School of Mathematical Sciences, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, Jiangsu, China
† To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
This paper concerns a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for a one-dimensional singularly perturbed problem which possesses essential characteristic of second order convection-diffusion problem after some simple transformations. We derive an optimal convergence of the DG method for eight layer-adapted meshes in a general framework. The convergence rate is valid independent of the small parameter. Furthermore, we establish a sharper L2-error estimate if the true solution has a special regular component. Numerical experiments are also given.
Key words: layer-adapted meshes / singularly perturbed problem / uniform convergence / discontinuous Galerkin method
Biography: SHI Jiamin, female, Undergraduate, research direction: computational method. E-mail:
Fundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11801396) and National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Project (202210332019Z)
© Wuhan University 2023
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
0 Introduction
Singularly perturbed problems attract much attention in such applications as optimal control, chemical reactions, fluid dynamics and electrical networks[1]. The exact solution generally displays boundary layers which causes many numerical difficulties to the traditional finite element method on the quasi-uniform mesh. To obtain satisfactory numerical approximations, several numerical strategies were developed, such as the layer-adapted meshes, the fitted operator methods and the stabilised numerical method, see Refs. [1-3] for a survey.
Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method is a finite element method whose test function and trail function have possible discontinuous points at the element edges[4]. As such, the discontinuous finite element space provides much flexibility in solving those problems exhibiting large gradients, boundary layers or even discontinuous interfaces, see Ref. [5] for a survey.
For the singularly perturbed problem whose solution exhibits boundary layers, numerical investigations were performed in Ref. [6] for the DG method. Local behavior was explored on the uniform mesh. Uniform convergence and superconvergence were observed on Shishkin mesh. Along this direction, research on the DG method for singularly perturbed problems was developed in a series of papers, see Refs. [7-10].
However, the above error estimates are often performed on Shishkin mesh, which has a simple structure. Owing to the influence of a logarithmic factor, the convergence rate will be deteriorated as the degree of piecewise polynomials goes larger. It is therefore of much interest to derive optimal convergence rate on general graded layer-adapted meshes. Recently, we studied the local DG method on several layer-adapted meshes. Some uniformly optimal error estimates were established for second order convection-diffusion problem[11,12].
This paper concerns a uniform convergence of the DG method under a much larger range of the layeradapted meshes. These meshes contain five common Shishkin-type meshes as well as three common Bakhvalov-type meshes[13,14]. Based on a general analysis framework, we establish optimal convergence for the DG method independent of small perturbation parameter. In particular, we establish a sharper -norm convergence rate under the situation that the smooth component of the true solution is a piecewise polynomial. Some numerical results are given to confirm our prediction.
We organize this paper as follows. First, layer-adapted meshes and the DG method are introduced in Section 1. Then we present a local projector as well as its approximation error. Our main result follows in Section 2. Finally, we supplement some numerical results to validate our error estimate.
1 Layer-Adapted Meshes and the DG Method
Consider a one-dimensional model problem
which possesses some essential characteristics of the following second-order problem
In fact, one can transform (2) into a problem with b=0 if a and b are bothconstants. Then introduce the following transformation
one obtains the model problem (1).
Assume that problem (1) exhibits a boundary layer at x =1. Assume that the exact solution of (1) can be expressed as[15]
which implies a decomposition Here
is the regular component and
is the layer component satisfying
1.1 Layer-Adapted Meshes
Let be a monotonically increasing, continuous and piecewisely differentiable function. Let
. Introduce a mesh transition parameter
where is a constant. Assume that
for a small
. Otherwise, the problem is non-singularly perturbed and one can carry out the error analysis in a classical framework. Let
be an even integer. Denote
, where
is the rough region and
is the refined region; they have both equalelements. The mesh points are given by
In Table 1, we list eight common layer-adapted meshes, which are simplified as S-, BS-, mBS-,VS-, pS-, B-, mVB- and RS-meshes. Here is mesh characterizing function. See Ref. [13] for more details.
Set , where each element
has the mesh size
. Assume that
, then one has
for each mesh in Table 1. This property will be frequently used in the following analysis.
Lemma 1[12] Define
Then one has
Here does not depend on
and N.
Layer-adapted meshes
1.2 The DG Method
Define a finite element space as
where is a space of polynomial with degree no larger than k. The functions in the above discontinuous finite element space have possible discontinuous points at the cell ends. Define
and the jumps as
The DG method reads: Find such that
holds for any and
, where
Denote Rewrite the scheme (5) into a compact form: Find
such that
One obtains an energy norm
Let in (6) then one has
which implies the uniquely existence of the computed solution determined by the DG method (6).
2 Convergence Analysis
Divide the error as follows
where is the local Gauss-Radau projecter such that for any function
and each element
From Ref.[16], one can verify the well-posedness of the above projection. Furthermore,
Lemma 2 Assume in the definition of the layer-adapted mesh (4) . Let
with each component
satisfying (3), then one has
Furthermore, if , one has
Proof Denote for
. From (3) and (10), one has
For the monotonic increasing function using the stability (8), one has
On the refined domain, if , one obtains from Lemma 1 that
Consequently, (11) follows from (14)-(16). Note that if , (13) follows from (15),(16).
By the approximation property (10), one has
By Lemma 1 and one obtains
which leads to (12).
Theorem 1 Let q and are respectively the solutions of (1) and (5) . Then one has
Furthermore, if , one has
Proof For any, one has Galerkin orthogonality
which leads to
Then one gets from (11) that
If , by (13), one has
Remark 1 Theorem 1 presents a convergence rate for an equal number of mesh elements in the rough and refined domains. However, it is possible to explore different number of mesh elements in rough and refined domains (denote
respectively). Following the similar line, one derives a convergence rate
. Then it is possible to use larger
to balance the influence of
on the convergence rate and arrive at a convergence
3 Numerical Experiments
We perform the DG method (5) on the eight meshes given by Table 1. Set For the pS-mesh, take
For the RS-mesh, take
Compute the convergence rate by the formulae
The quantities and
are used to reflect the convergence rates from the error bounds of the forms
, respectively.
Example 1 Consider the problem (1) with and the true solution is set as
As mentioned before, for a large , one can use arbitrary mesh with maximum mesh size h and expect a convergence rate
. In Table 2, we list the numerical results on four meshes. One observes that the convergence rates on uniform mesh and B-mesh are both
, the convergence rate on S-mesh is
, while the convergence rate on BS-mesh is
because its maximum mesh size is bounded by
Table 3 and Table 4 list the -error of the DG method on the eight meshes for
, respectively. One observes for the S-mesh a convergence rate
, while for the BS-, mBS-, VS-, B- and mVB- meshes a general convergence rate
. For the pS-mesh, the convergence rate is a little smaller than k+1 because of the influence of the logarithmic factor (here
). For the RS-mesh, the convergence rate behaviors as
which agrees with theoretical prediction (17) in view of l=3 and
Thus, the numerical convergence rate is generally
for every meshes, which confirms our theoretical convergence rate in Theorem 1.
Furthermore, Figure 1 and Table 5 show that the -error is uniform regarding the singular perturbation parameter in the case that
and N=64 except the S-mesh and RS-mesh which are slightly influenced by the factor
is suitably large.
![]() |
Fig. 1
Example 2 We continue example 1 but employ a different true solution
Now the regular component of q is in the finite element space. Let ,
. Tables 6-7 show a general convergence rate
for each mesh. Furthermore, Figure 2 and Table 8 demonstrate the influence of the factor
on the upper bound of these
-errors, which confirms our prediction (18).
![]() |
Fig. 2
-error on 4 meshes for Example 1, where
-error on 8 layer-adapted meshes for Example 1, where
-error on 8 layer-adapted meshes for Example 1, where
-error on 8 layer-adapted meshes for Example 1, here k=2 and N=64
-error on 8 layer-adapted meshes for Example 2, where
-error on 8 layer-adapted meshes for Example 2, where
-error on 8 layer-adapted meshes for Example 2, here k=2 and N=64
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