Open Access
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 27, Number 5, October 2022
Page(s) 367 - 371
Published online 11 November 2022

© Wuhan University 2022

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0 Introduction

The Minkowski measure of asymmetry of convex bodies in the Euclidean space Rn was introduced by Minkowski[1]. It is well-known that the n-dimensional simplex has the biggest Minkowski measure n of asymmetry. In other words, we always say that the simplex is the most asymmetric convex body. There are many other measures of asymmetry for convex bodies, such as the Winternitz measure of symmetry, the Kovner-Besicovitch measure of symmetry, and the mean Minkowski measure of asymmetry. For the new development of the research of the Minkowski measure of asymmetry, see Refs.[2-7].

The Convex bodies of constant width are important ones in Rn. The symmetry of convex bodies of constant width in R2 was studied by Besicovitch[8], who showed that the Reuleaux triangles are the most asymmetric convex bodies of constant width in R2, and the circles are the most symmetric convex bodies of constant width in R2. A special measure of asymmetry for convex bodies of constant width in R2 was introduced by Groemer and Wallen[9]. The Minkowski measure of asymmetry for convex bodies of constant width was studied by Guo and Jin[3, 5, 6, 10, 11]. In the sense of Minkowski measure of asymmetry, the complete bodies of the regular simplex are the most asymmetric convex bodies of constant width, and the Euclidean balls are the most symmetric convex bodies of constant width.

The convex geometry in the n-dimensional spherical space Sn was investigated by many mathematician, such as Robinson, Santaló, Dekster, Leichtweiss[12- 16], Lassak[17] and Guo[10]. In this paper, we introduce the Minkowski measure of asymmetry for spherical convex bodies of constant width in Sn. Then we prove a spherical analogy of a result obtained by Jin and Guo[11, 18], i.e. that the spherical balls are the most symmetric bodies among all spherical bodies of constant width, and the completions of the spherical regular simplex are the most asymmetric bodies. Concretely, we give the following theorem.

Main Theorem LetWSn be a spherical body of constant width. Then the Minkowski measure ass(W)of asymmetry of W satisfies the following inequality:

1 a s s ( W ) n + 2 n ( n + 1 ) n + 2 (1)

The equality holds on the left-hand side if and only ifW is a spherical ball, and on the right-hand side if and only ifW is a completion of a spherical regular simplex.

1 Preliminaries

Let Κn denote the class of convex bodies (compact convex sets with nonempty interiors) in Rn, and let Κon denote the class of sets in Κn which contain the origin in their interiors. The convex body KΚn is said to be of constant width ω>0 if its projection on any straight line is a segment of length ω, which is equivalent to the geometrical fact that any two parallel support hyperplanes of K are always at the distance ω. The convex bodies of constant width in R2 and R3 are also called orbiforms and spheroforms,respectively. Euclidean balls are obviously bodies of constant width, however, there are many others[19]. We denote by Wn the set of all n-dimensional convex bodies of constant width.

Convex bodies of constant width have many interesting properties and applications which have gained much attention in the history, e.g., orbiforms were intensely studied during the nineteenth century and later, particularly by Reuleaux, whose name is now attached to the orbiforms obtained by intersecting a finite number of disks of equal radii. In R3, Meissner tetrahedrons may be the most famous spheroforms. Mathematicians believe that Meissner tetrahedrons have the minimal volume among all spheroforms of the same width.

Given a convex body CΚn and xint(C). For a hyperplane H through x and the pair of support hyperplanes H1, H2  (of C) parallel to H, let γ(H,x) be the ratio, not less than 1, in which H divides the distance between H1 and H2. Put

γ ( C , x ) = m a x { γ ( H , x ) | H x } (2)

and define the Minkowski measureas(C) of asymmetry of C by

a s ( C ) = m i n x i n t ( C ) γ ( C , x ) (3)

A point xint(C) satisfying γ(C,x)=as(C) is called a critical point of C. The set of all critical points of C is denoted by C(C). It is known that C(C) is a non-empty convex set.

If CΚn, then

1 a s ( C ) n (4)

Equality holds on the left-hand side if and only if C is centrally symmetric, and on the right-hand side if and only if C is a simplex.

The Minkowski measure of asymmetry for convex bodies of constant width was studied by Jin and Guo[11, 18].

The critical set C(K) of KWn is a singleton, and the unique critical point of K is the center of circumscribed sphere of K, also the center of inscribed sphere of K. Denoted by r(K) and R(K) be the radii of insphere and circumsphere of K, respectively. For KWn, we have as(K)=R(K)r(K). By Jung's theorem, we have

1 a s ( K ) n + 2 n ( n + 1 ) n + 2 (5)

The equality holds on the left-hand side if and only if K is an Euclidean ball, and on the right-hand side if and only if K is a completion of a regular simplex.

In Rn, a completion of a convex body C is a convex body of constant width, which has the same diameter as C.

2 Spherical Bodies of Constant Width

Let Sn be the unit sphere of the (n+1)-dimensional Euclidean space Rn+1, where n2. The intersection of Sn with an (m+1)-dimensional subspace of Rn+1, where 0mn, is called an m-dimensional subsphereof Sd. In particular, if m=0, we get the 0-dimensional subsphere consisting of a pair of antipodal points, and if m=1 we obtain the so-called great circle.

If a,bSn are not antipodes, by the arc ab connecting them we mean the shorter part of the great circle containing a and b. By the spherical distance|ab|, or distance in short, of these points we know the length of the arc connecting them. Clearly |ab|=aob, the angel between vectors a, b, where o is the center of Rn+1. The diameterdiam(A) of a set ASn is the supremum of the spherical distances between pairs of points in A.

By a spherical ball of radiusρ(0,π2], or an s-ballin short, we understand the set of points of Sn having distance at most ρ from a fixed point, called the center of this ball. Spherical balls of radius π2 are called hemispheres. In other words, by a hemisphere of Sn we mean the common part of Sn with any closed half-space of Rn+1. We denote by H(p) the hemisphere whose center is p. Two hemispheres whose centers are antipodes are called opposite hemispheres.

By a spherical(n-1)-dimensional ball of radius ρ(0,π2)we mean the set of points of a (n-1)-dimensional sphere of Sn which are at distance at most ρ from a fixed point, called the center of this ball. The (n-1)-dimensional balls of radius π2 are called (n-1)-dimensional hemisphere. If n=2, we call them semi-circles.

We say that a set CSn is s-convex if it does not contain any pair of antipodes, and if together with for every two points of C, the whole arc connecting them is a subset of C. By an s-convex body on Sn we mean a closed convex set with non-empty interior.

If an (n-1)-dimensional sphere G of Sn has a common point t with a convex body CSn and its intersection with the interior of C is empty, we say that G is a supporting hypersphere ofCpassing throught. We also say that G supports C at t. If H is the hemisphere bounded by G and containing C, we say that H is a supporting hemisphere of C and that H supports C at t.

For any distinct non-opposite hemispheres G and H the set L=GH is called a lune of Sn. The (n-1)-dimensional hemispheres bounding the lune which are contained in G and H, respectively, are denoted by G/H and H/G. By the thicknessΔ(L) of a lune L=GHSn we mean the spherical distance of the centers of the (n-1)-dimensional hemispheres G/H and H/G bounding L[20].

We say that a lune passes through a boundary point p of a convex body CSn if the lune contains C and if the boundary of the lune contains p. If the centers of both (n-1)-dimensional hemispheres bounding a lune belong to C, then we call such a lune an orthogonally supporting lune of C.

For an s-convex body CSn and any hemisphere K supporting C we define the width of C determined by K, denoted by widthK(C), as the minimum thickness of a lune KK* over all hemispheres K*K supporting C[20]. By a compactness argument we see that at least one such a hemisphere K* exists, and thus at least one corresponding lune KK* exists. We say that a convex body WSn is of constant width ω provided for every supporting hemisphere K of W we have widthK(C)=ω[20].

Lemma 1[17, 20] Every two convex sets onSn with disjoint interiors are subsets of two oppositehemispheres.

Lemma 2[17]If WSnis a body of constant width ω , then diam(W)=ω.

We say that a convex body DSnwith diameter δ is of constant diameter δ provided that for arbitrary pbd(D) there exists p'bd(D) such that |pp'|=δ[20, 21]. We say that any subset of a hemisphere of Sn which is the largest (in the sense of inclusion) set of a given diameter δ(0,π) is acomplete set of diameter δ, or a complete set for brevity.

Lemma 3[17]

(i) Bodies of constant diameter onSncoincide with complete bodies;

(ii) Bodies of constant diameter on Sncoincide with bodies of constant width.

3 The Circumscribed Ball of Spherical Body of Constant Width

In the n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn, if W is a convex bodies of constant width ω, then the insphere and circumsphere are concentric and their radii, r(W) and R(W), respectively, satisfy

r ( W ) + R ( W ) = ω


ω ( 1 - n n + 2 ) r ( W ) R ( W ) ω n 2 n + 2 (6)

In this section, we give a similar result of spherical bodies of constant width to the one for convex bodies in Euclidean spaces. The following results and approach of their proofs are implied vaguely in Ref.[22].

For xSn and 0rπ2, denote B(x,r):={ySn||xy|r} , the spherical ball with radius r and centered at x.

Lemma 4   LetCSnbe an s-convex body with diameterδ. IfB(x,r)C, then CB(x,δ-r).

Proof   Suppose B(δ-r) does not contain C. Let yC\B(δ-r) and let l be the great circle through x and y. Take the point p being the intersection of bd(B(x,δ-r)) with l such that p is in-between x and y, i.e. p locates on the short arc connecting x and y, and take q=bd(B(x,r))l such that x is in-between p and q. Then |pq|=δ and hence |yq|>δ, contradicting the fact that the diameter of C is δ.

Lemma 5   LetWSnbe an s-convex body of constant widthδ. IfB(x,r)W, thenWB(x,r-δ) .

Proof   Suppose there is a point p of B(x,δ-r) that is not in W. Let l be the great circle through x and p. By Lemma 1, there exist two opposite hemispheres H(q) and H(q') such that pH(q), WH(q') and l is perpendicular to H(q'). Let s, t be the two intersecting points of l with the boundary of W, such that s is in-between p and x. Let p' be a point of the intersection of l with bd(B(x,r)) such that x is in-between p and p'. Let H' be the unique hemisphere supports B(x,r) at p'. Then the lune H(q')H' contains W. Notice that the thickness of the lune H(q')H' is less than δ, which implies that W is not a spherical body of constant width.

Theorem 1   LetWSnbe an s-convex body of constant widthδ. Then the insphere and circumsphere ofWare concentric, and the sum of their radii is δ.

Proof   Let W be a spherical body of constant width, and B(x,r) be its circumsphere, where xW. Since the diameter of W is δ, we have R(W)δ. Let B(δ-R(W)) be the ball concentric with Bo(W) having radius δ-R(W). By Lemma 5, B(δ-R(W)) is contained in W. We will prove that B(δ-R(W)) is an insphere of W and is unique. Suppose that it is not; then there is a ball B(r') different from B(δ-R(W)), with radius r'δ-R(W). Then, by Lemma 4, there exists a sphere Bo(W)' concentric with B(r') and having radius δ-r', which is a contradiction, since δ-r'R(W) and Bo(W) is different from Bo(W)'.

Remark 1   Bodies of constant width ωin an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold Mnwere introduced and studied by Dekster[12]. Then Dekster studied the incenter and circumcenter of bodies Kof constant width in Mn. He proved that each circumcenter ofKis an incenter and vice versa, and the inradius riand circumradius rcfulfillri+rc=ω.

The following is the theorem of Jung's type for spherical space.

Theorem 2 [13] LetCbe a compact set inSnof diameterδand circumradius R. Let Bbe a ball of radius Rcontaining C. Then

δ2arcsin(n+12nsinR),where [R[0,π]] (7)

(ii)δ=2arcsin(n+12nsinR)if and only if there existn+1 points on the boundary ofBsuch that these points are of equidistant δ. In other words, Ccontains ann-dimensional spherical regular simplex with diameter δ.

Remark 2   The definition of body of constant width in Theorem 2 is similar to the definition of body of constant diameter in Section 2. By Lemma 3, we know that the two notions coincide.

4 The Minkowski Measure of Spherical Body of Constant Width

In this section, we firstly give a definition of the Minkowski measure of asymmetry of spherical body of constant width, then we prove the main Theorem given in Section 0, that is Theorem 3 in this section.

Definition 1   Denote byWSnbe an s-convex body of constant width ω. LetR(W)be the radius of the circumsphere ofW. The Minkowski measure of asymmetry ofWis defined by

a s s ( W ) = s i n R ( W ) 2 s i n ω 2 - s i n ( R ( W ) ) (8)

Remark 3  

(i) We have not found a suitable definition of the Minkowski measure of asymmetry for general spherical convex bodies;

(ii) The Definition 1 is motivated by the work of Brandenberg and Merino[2].

In the following, we prove our main result.

Theorem 3   Let WSnbe an s-convex body of constant width. Then,

1 a s s ( W ) n + 2 n ( n + 1 ) n + 2 (9)

The equality holds on the left-hand side if and only ifK is a spherical ball, and on the right-hand side if and only if K is a completion of a spherical regular simplex.

Proof   Let ω be the constant width of W, and r(W), R(W) the radii of the insphere, circumsphere respectively. Then R(W)ω2, which implies that ass(W)=sinR(W)2sinω2-sin(R(W))1. We have ass(W)=1 if and only if R(W)=ω2=r(W). Hence, ass(W)=1 if and only if W is a spherical ball.

By Theorem 2, we have sinω2n+12nsinR(W), then

a s s ( W ) = s i n R ( W ) 2 s i n ω 2 - s i n ( R ( W ) ) = 1 2 s i n ω 2 s i n R ( K ) - 1 1 2 n + 1 2 n - 1

= n + 2 n ( n + 1 ) n + 2 (10)

By Theorem 2, the equality holds in the above inequality if and only if W contains a spherical regular simplex of diameter ω, which implies that W is a completion of a spherical regular simplex.

Corollary 1   LetWS2be an s-convex body of constant width. Then,

1 a s s ( W ) 1 + 3 2 (11)

The equality holds on the left-hand side if and only ifWis a spherical disc, and on the right-hand side if and only ifWis a spherical Reuleaux triangle.


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