Open Access
Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci.
Volume 27, Number 5, October 2022
Page(s) 372 - 374
Published online 11 November 2022

© Wuhan University 2022

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0 Introduction

Let n be a positive integer and Fq be the finite field having q elements. n-to-1 mappings (see Definition 1) of finite fields have wide applications in cryptography, finite geometry, coding theory and combinatorial design, and it has become an interesting topic in finite fields. Especially, when n=1, n-to-1 mappings become permutation polynomials.

The study of permutation polynomials has a long history in finite fields, many classes of permutation polynomials are studied, and there are a few surveys on permutation polynomials[1-3]. When n=2, Mesnager and Qu[4] studied 2-to-1 mappings of finite fields, and gave many explicit constructions of 2-to-1 mappings. Recently, Li et al[5] continued to study 2-to-1 mappings, and constructed several classes of 2-to-1 trinomials and quadrinomials over finite fields. Yuan et al[6] constructed a few classes of 2-to-1 mappings having the form g(xq-x+δ)+x over F22m. More recently, Gao et al[7] generalized the definition of 2-to-1 mappings to n-to-1 mappings. Niu et al[8] showed some approaches to construct n-to-1 mappings of finite fields. Therefore, to find more classes of n-to-1 mappings of finite fields still is an open problem. In this paper, we focus on constructing n-to-1 binomials over Fq2. By using monomials and piecewise method, the authors[9-12] characterized several classes of permutation polynomials. Activated by the method, we generalized this approach to construct some n-to-1 binomials with the form xrh(xq-1) of Fq2.

1 Preliminaries

In Ref.[8], the authors gave the definition of n-to-1 mappings as follows:

Definition 1   [ 8 ] Let f be a mapping from one finite set A to another finite set B. Then f is called an n-to-1 mapping if one of the following two cases holds:

(1) if n divides #A, for any b in B, it has either n or 0 preimages in A ;

(2) if n does not divide #A, for almost b in B, it has either n or 0 preimages in A, and for only one exception element, it has exactly #A(modn) preimages in A.

Lemma 1   [ 8 ] Let f(x)=axd be a monomial over Fq, where a0, and A be a subset in Fq. Then f is an n-to-1 mapping over A if and only if gcd(d,#A)=n.

In Ref.[8], the authors established an AGW-like criterion for n-to-1 mappings in the following.

Lemma 2   [ 8 ] Let A,S and S¯ be finite sets with #S=#S¯, and #A#S(modn). Let f: AA, g: SS¯,λ:AS, and λ¯: AS¯ be maps such that λ¯f=gλ, where both λ and λ¯ are surjective.

Assume that f is a bijection form λ-1(s) to λ¯-1(g(s)) for every sS. There are three statements as follows:

1) f is an n-to-1 mapping of A;

2) g is an n-to-1 mapping from S to S¯;

3) n divides #A and that n does not divide #A and the exception s¯0S¯ which has t preimages in S satisfies λ¯-1(s¯0)=1 where t#A(modn).

Then, if 1) holds, so does 2). If both 2) and 3) hold, so does 1).

As a special case of Lemma 2, the authors of Ref.[8] gave the following result.

Lemma 3   [ 8 ] Let q be a prime power, r be a positive integer such that gcd(r,q-1)=1 and n|(q+1). Let f(x)=xrh(xq-1), where h(x)Fq2[x] such that h(x)0 if x0. Then f(x) is an n-to-1 mapping over Fq2 if and only if xrh(x)q-1 is an n-to-1 mapping over μq+1.

2 Main Results

In this section, we will focus on constructing some n-to-1 mappings over Fq2.

Theorem 1   Let q be a prime power, and r,s,n be positive integers having gcd(r,q-1)=1. Let a in Fq2 satisfy aq+1=1 and a+xs have no roots in μq+1. Then f(x)=xr(a+xs(q-1)) is an n-to-1 mapping over Fq2 if and only if gcd(r-s,q+1)=n.

Proof   By using Lemma 3, we know that f(x) is an n-to-1 mapping over Fq2 if and only if g(x)=xr(a+xs)q-1 is an n-to-1 mapping over μq+1. Thus we only need to show that g(x) is an n-to-1 mapping over μq+1 if and only if gcd(r-s,q+1)=n.

By a+xs having no roots in μq+1, we can rewrite g(x) as

g ( x ) = x r ( a + x s ) q - 1 = x r ( a + x s ) q a + x s = x r a q + x - s a + x s = a q x r - s x s + 1 a q a + x s .

Since aq+1=1, we get that 1aq=a. Thus g(x)=aqxr-s. Then by Lemma 1, it follows that g(x) is an n-to-1 mapping over μq+1 if and only if gcd(r-s,q+1)=n.

The proof of Theorem 1 is completed.

Furthermore, if we divide μq+1 as μq+12 and -μq+12, then the n-to-1 property on μq+1 is translated to that on μq+12 and -μq+12.

Lemma 4   Let q+1d and n be positive integers with n|q+1d, and Aiμq+1 for 0id-1. For g(x)Fq2[x], if g(x)=Aixri,for xSi. Then g(x) is an n-to-1 mapping of μq+1 if and only if each of following is true:

(1) gcd(ri,q+1d)=n, for 0id-1;

(2) AixiriAjxjrj,for xiSi and xjSj.

Proof   By using Lemma 1 and Theorem 1.2 in Ref.[11], we can easily get the desired result.

By using Lemma 4, we can get the following result.

Theorem 2   Let q be a prime power with q1 (mod4), and r,n be positive integers having gcd(r,q-1)=1 and n|q+12. Let s be an even number and a in Fq2 satisfy aq+12=1. Then f(x)=xr(a+xs(q-1)) is an n-to-1 mapping over Fq2 if and only if gcd(r-s,q+12)=n.

Proof   By Lemma 3, we know that f(x) is an n-to-1 mapping of Fq2 if and only if gcd(r,q-1)=1 and g(x)=xr(a+xs)q-1 is an n-to-1 mapping over μq+1.

In the following, we will focus on proving that g(x) is an n-to-1 mapping over μq+1.

First, we consider the case of xμq+12. Since q1 (mod4), then q+12 is odd. By using aq+12=1, it implies from n being even that a+xs0 for any xμq+12. Thus

g ( x ) = x r ( a + x s ) q a + x s = x r a q + x - s a + x s = a q x r - s x s + 1 a q a + x s .

It follows from aq+12=1 that g(x)=aqxr-s. We get that g(x) is an n-to-1 mapping of μq+12 if and only if gcd(r-s,q+12)=n.

Next, for x-μq+12, it is also trivial to find that a+xs has no roots in -μq+12. We reduce that g(x)=aqxr-s. It is easy to conclude that g(x) is an n-to-1 mapping of -μq+12 if and only if gcd(r-s,q+12)=n.

Then by Lemma 4, we get that g(x) is an n-to-1 mapping over μq+1 if and only if gcd(r-s,q+12)=n. Therefore, we can conclude that f(x) is an n-to-1 mapping over Fq2 if and only if gcd(r-s,q+12)=n. We complete the proof of Theorem 2.


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